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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 20 2023

Who Should I Ask for Advice to Succeed in My Career?

Are you pondering a job transition but uncertain of who to seek counsel from? You're not alone. Making a switch in your professional life can be daunting, and it's essential to have an appropriate backing before settling on any choices. So who should you ask for career advice when navigating this transition?

It might surprise you that there are multiple sources of information available - from mentors, friends and family, colleagues or even certified coaches - each providing valuable insight into how best approach the process. This post considers why diverse viewpoints can be useful when considering a career change and making an educated decision about the right path to take.

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Ask a Career Coach

Consulting a career mentor for counsel on transitioning to another occupation can be an extremely advantageous resource. Career coaches are experienced professionals who understand the job market and have the expertise to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, create an action plan, and develop strategies for success.

When seeking out a career coach, it’s important to find someone with whom you feel comfortable discussing your goals and aspirations. Enquire among your social circle for any reliable mentors in the vicinity, or investigate on the internet to locate a suitable option. Once you’ve identified potential candidates, reach out via email or phone call to discuss their services further.

A good career coach will take time to get to know you as an individual before making any recommendations about what steps you should take next in terms of finding new employment opportunities or transitioning into another field entirely. They may delve deep into your background, exploring facets such as prior occupations, competencies, preferences, values and ambitions to get a better sense of where you are at in terms of realising those aspirations.

Your coach will also provide guidance on how best to present yourself during interviews, such as crafting resumes tailored specifically towards certain positions; preparing answers for common interview questions; providing feedback on body language; suggesting ways of networking effectively. In addition, they may provide knowledge of burgeoning industries to enable job seekers to remain abreast of potential openings for the future.

By asking a career coach, you can gain invaluable insight into the job market and develop an action plan to help make your career change successful. With their expert guidance, you can then turn to mentors who have been in your shoes before for further advice and support.

Key Takeaway: A career mentor can assist you in recognising your aptitudes and deficiencies, concocting a blueprint for action, and constructing approaches to accomplish your aspirations. They also provide guidance on how best to present yourself during interviews.

Ask a Mentor

Finding a mentor can be an invaluable asset in navigating a career change. A mentor is an individual who has already experienced the same transition, and can supply useful knowledge regarding what it takes to progress successfully. They are often more experienced than you, have knowledge of the industry or job market, and understand how to network and build relationships that will help you reach your goals.

Mentors may take many forms, from relatives to co-workers, pals, ex-managers or even complete strangers with similar aspirations. It’s important to find someone who shares your values and understands where you want to go in your career journey. Ask yourself: What qualities do I need in my mentor? Do they have experience related to my field? Are they willing to commit time for regular meetings?

Once you’ve identified potential mentors, reach out. Introduce yourself briefly and explain why their advice would be beneficial for your career change journey. Be certain to not inundate them with numerous queries simultaneously; rather, pose one inquiry at a time so that they can render pertinent responses on every issue addressed throughout the session. Most importantly, show appreciation for their guidance by thanking them after each conversation – this helps foster positive relationships which may lead to additional opportunities down the line.

When searching for mentorship opportunities online, there are a variety of resources available. For instance, LinkedIn groups or alumni networks from universities/colleges attended provide access to exclusive forums where professionals discuss topics related directly relevant experiences or industries of interest.

Consider attending local events such as networking mixers or conferences hosted by professional organizations within desired fields; these offer great chances to meet people face-to-face while also learning about the current trends impacting respective industries today.

In addition, seek out virtual mentoring programs offered by companies like Google's Grow With Google program designed specifically to assist those looking to enter the tech sector without prior experience necessary to jumpstart their careers quickly and efficiently. This type of opportunity is a perfect example of how having the right person guide your way can open doors previously thought inaccessible before due to lack of connections or know-how required to break barriers for success.

Uncovering a guide who can give you professional guidance may be incredibly advantageous; yet, don't neglect to additionally look for exhortation from your companions and family too.

Key Takeaway: Finding the right mentor can help open doors and provide invaluable insight into navigating a career change, so seek out opportunities to meet potential mentors online or in person.

Ask Friends & Family

Connecting with confidants and loved ones for occupational guidance can be a beneficial approach to acquire knowledge about the labor industry, obtain frank assessments regarding your capabilities and qualifications, as well as receive aid in times of hardship.

It’s important to remember that although your friends and family may not have expertise in the field of career coaching, they know you better than anyone else. They can offer priceless perception into what kind of work or sector could be most appropriate for you, depending on their understanding of your aptitudes, proclivities, ideals, and ambitions.

Your loved ones can also offer encouragement when it comes to taking risks or making changes in your professional life. They are likely more willing than most people to listen without judgment as you discuss possible options for transitioning careers or pursuing new opportunities. It is helpful to keep an open mind when talking with them so that you don’t miss out on any potential advice they could give you.

Friends and family members may also be able to connect you with contacts who work in the same field as yourself or someone who knows someone who works in a certain industry that interests you—this type of networking is invaluable. If there isn't an immediate connection available through them then ask if they know anyone who has gone through a similar experience as yours; this will help provide additional perspective on how others have navigated their own career transitions successfully.

Finally, having conversations with those closest to us helps remind us why we want something different from our current situation; whether it's finding greater satisfaction at work or wanting more flexibility in our lives. This can give us the motivation needed to make positive changes happen.

When looking to those close to you for counsel, think about the backgrounds and outlooks they bring to the table. Yet, when it comes to making a major choice like transitioning vocations, garnering diverse perspectives is essential - thus seeking counsel from workmates and acquaintances can be advantageous.

Key Takeaway: When contemplating a job alteration, consulting with those in your inner circle is essential; they can give worthwhile input and ties that will assist you in transitioning smoothly.

Ask Colleagues & Peers

When it comes to career advice, don’t overlook the people who are already in your network. Colleagues and peers can furnish invaluable understanding into their profession or area that you may not be able to locate elsewhere, yielding a distinct outlook on what functions and what doesn't when it comes to achieving prosperity in their line of work. They have a unique perspective on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to finding success in their line of work.

For example, if you’re considering a career change from marketing to sales, talking with someone who has made the transition can give you an idea of how they navigated the switch and any tips they might have for making it easier. Or if you want to know more about a certain job title or company culture before applying for a position, asking colleagues or peers could help give you some much-needed information before taking the plunge.

Your colleagues and peers also may be able to connect you with potential employers or recommend resources that could help make your transition smoother. For instance, if there is an organization related to your new field that offers networking events or seminars, ask around within your network – chances are someone will know about them. You never know who might have contacts at companies where jobs openings exist either; so don't hesitate reach out for assistance when needed.

In addition, getting feedback from those already established in their careers can provide invaluable advice on how best approach interviews as well as other aspects of professional life such as dress code expectations and office etiquette rules specific to each workplace environment. Having this knowledge beforehand can go a long way towards helping land the job.

Finally, keep in mind that while seeking advice from colleagues and peers is beneficial during times of career transitions; having mentors throughout all stages of one's professional journey is important as well. Mentors offer guidance based on years of experience which can often prove invaluable when navigating difficult decisions regarding one's future path - whether staying put at current job or venturing off into something completely different altogether.

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When contemplating a career transition, obtaining counsel from those who have familiarity in the industry is paramount. Family and friends may offer emotional support, but they might not be able to give you the most informed advice when it comes to making a career switch.

That's why it's important to ask a career coach or mentor for help when deciding who should i ask for career advice. A career coach can provide personalised guidance on how to make your transition successful while a mentor can offer valuable insight into their own experiences in the industry. With these two resources, you'll be well-equipped with knowledge and skills that will help you navigate your new path successfully.

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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