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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 20 2023

Find Out Who Can Give Career Advice to Help You Right Now

When it comes to making a career change, the question of who can give you reliable advice is an important one. Deciding who to trust with your job choices can be tricky, given the multitude of sources claiming they have all the answers.

It could be friends and family members offering their opinion or perhaps a work mentor that has been through similar experiences in the past; even professional coaches are available for those seeking more comprehensive guidance. In this blog post we'll explore some of these options as well as online resources when looking for help on who can give career advice.

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Online Resources

Utilising the web can be an extremely advantageous asset for those hoping to alter their vocation. From websites giving data on various businesses and particular occupations inside them, to online discussion sheets where people can pose inquiries regarding their professions or get criticism from different experts in comparable fields of work, the web is overflowing with helpful assets for employment searchers.

One great resource for researching potential new career paths is industry-specific websites. These sites offer comprehensive data on numerous vocations and industries, including wage, job summaries, educational qualifications and more. They also often feature interviews with successful professionals who have made the transition into a new field. This can be immensely advantageous when pondering a considerable alteration in your career course, as it furnishes you with comprehension into what life resembles after such an adjustment has been completed effectively.

Another great online resource is LinkedIn which provides access to millions of professionals across all industries and functions around the world. Through this platform you can search for individuals with similar backgrounds or experiences that may offer advice or mentorship opportunities based on their own personal journeys through their respective careers.

Many companies post job openings directly onto LinkedIn so it’s always worth checking out if there are any positions available that match your desired skillset or experience level before applying elsewhere.

Finally, social media platforms such as Twitter are excellent tools for networking and staying up-to-date with industry news and trends related to your chosen profession(s). By following relevant accounts (e.g., recruiters/HR personnel) you can stay informed about upcoming events or conferences related to your area of interest as well as learn about current hiring practices at certain organizations - both of which could prove beneficial during the job search process.

Online resources can be a useful tool for locating career advice, yet it is also wise to contemplate the thoughts of those close to you. They may have valuable insight that you wouldn't otherwise receive from an online resource.

Key Takeaway: In spite of the nature of your career transition, a variety of digital resources - including specialised webpages, LinkedIn and social media outlets - can supply priceless counsel and mentoring chances.

Friends & Family

Friends and family can be an invaluable resource when it comes to making a career change. They often have firsthand knowledge of the individual’s skills and abilities, which can be incredibly helpful in considering different options for a new career path. Additionally, friends and family members may have connections in certain industries that could lead to potential job opportunities or internships.

Your sibling's spouse could potentially put you in contact with a person at their business who is able to guide you or give advice on how to get into the tech industry if that is your goal and yet you have no connections. Similarly, your cousin's friend might work at a startup where they are actively hiring people with your skill set—a connection that would not have been possible without their help.

In addition to providing access to networks of contacts within specific industries, friends and family can also offer emotional support during this time of transition. It is vital that those in the throes of a career transition feel not just bolstered by their nearest and dearest, but cognisant of the fact that they are not unaccompanied on this expedition. Having someone close by who understands what you're going through can make all the difference when facing difficult decisions about changing careers.

Finally, having honest conversations with trusted confidants about what kind of job will make you happy is essential when considering any major life changes like switching careers paths entirely. Talking to confidants you trust can be beneficial when deciding on a new career path, as they may offer unique perspectives and previously unconsidered options.

Friends & Family can provide invaluable support and guidance when navigating a career change, but it is also important to find an experienced work mentor who has the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Key Takeaway: Friends and family can provide invaluable support when making a career change, from offering emotional backing to introducing valuable contacts in specific industries.

Work Mentor

Work mentors can be a great asset when you’re looking to make a career change. A work mentor is someone in your network who has experience and knowledge that can help guide you through the process of making a successful transition. They are often people who have been in similar positions as yours, or have gone through the same type of job search process before.

Discovering a compatible mentor for your job is essential to make the most of their counsel and direction. The best way to do this is by asking around within your current network – friends, family members, colleagues at work – for recommendations on potential mentors they know or have worked with in the past. Once you’ve identified some potential candidates, it’s important to meet with them one-on-one so that both parties can get an understanding of each other's goals and expectations from working together.

When interacting with potential mentors, pose queries regarding their professional history - like what events preceded their current role and how long they've been in it; the obstacles encountered while transitioning into a new position; techniques applied during job-hunting; etc. This will give you insight into whether or not this person could provide valuable advice based on their own personal experiences. It also helps build trust between both parties which is essential for any mentorship relationship.

It’s also important to understand what kind of commitment each party should expect from one another before starting a mentorship relationship - e.g., how often will meetings take place? What topics will be discussed? How much time should each person dedicate towards helping one another? Setting clear expectations up front helps ensure that everyone involved gets something out of the partnership and avoids misunderstandings down the line due to unmet expectations or lack thereof communication regarding progress updates/changes along the way

Finally, don't forget to leverage online resources such as LinkedIn groups dedicated specifically towards career transitions where individuals share stories about how others made successful transitions themselves. These types of networks offer invaluable insights from real professionals who may even become future mentors if needed.

"Work Mentor can provide invaluable advice and support for those looking to make a career change, but professional career coaches are an even more specialised option for those seeking guidance."

Key Takeaway: Finding the perfect mentor to aid in a career transition can be pivotal, so it's essential to put effort into seeking out an appropriate match and formulating clear goals.

Professional Career Coaches

Professional career coaches are certified professionals who specialise in helping job seekers make informed decisions about their careers. They possess the capability and know-how to aid individuals in recognising their abilities, deficiencies, and inclinations so as to decide which vocation course is most suitable for them.

Career advisors can offer assistance on how to build a distinct resume, network proficiently, and devise an effectual job-seeking approach. For example, they can help you research potential employers or industries of interest so that you can tailor your application materials accordingly. Additionally, they may suggest ways to use social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter to connect with recruiters or industry contacts who could be helpful during your job search process.

They also offer support when it comes time for interviews by providing practice questions and feedback on body language and communication techniques. Career coaches will often give advice on negotiating salary offers or other benefits once a job offer has been made as well.

Finally, professional career coaches are great resources for those seeking more than just a new job. They can provide guidance if you’re considering changing fields entirely or going back to school for additional training or education. They understand the importance of taking risks but also know when it is wise not to; having someone there who understands both sides of this equation is invaluable during times of transition like these.

"Need career advice? Professional career coaches can aid you in recognizing your abilities, constructing an impressive resume, and formulating a productive job search plan. Don't go it alone - find the right coach today." #careeradvice #jobsearch Click to Tweet
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No matter who you pick for job counsel, it is essential to recall that the most reliable way to succeed in a career switch is through introspection and commitment. 

Whether you opt to seek professional counsel or lean on family and friends for direction, dedicating the effort to delve into your options can be invaluable in making an informed decision about who best provides career advice. Having the proper tools at your fingertips can empower you to take decisive steps towards realising your aspirations.

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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