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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 20 2023

How to Seek Career Advice That's Helpful Today

Are you feeling stuck in your current career and seeking advice on how to move forward? Whether it’s identifying what kind of help you need, deciding the amount of assistance required, finding the right support for yourself or utilising online resources; knowing where to start when looking for career advice can be daunting.

But don't worry - this blog post will provide a guide on how to seek career advice that is tailored specifically towards your individual needs. By exploring these four headings we'll show you how taking an informed approach can empower you with knowledge as well as give clarity and direction moving forward.

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Identify What You Need Help With

The first step in changing your career is to figure out what kind of help you need. It can be hard to decide what kind of help you need to make a change, like making a good CV or cover letter, networking, or deciding which sector is best for you. But it is important to take the time to think about what would help you the most.

Once you know what kind of help you need, you can start researching the right resources and professionals to get that help. Look for people who specialise in helping others make career changes. Read up on their backgrounds, qualifications, and experience to make sure they are the right fit for you. You may even want to reach out for an initial consultation to help you get started.

By figuring out the areas where you need help, you can decide how much help and direction you need to have a successful career change. It is important to remember that a career change can be a long process, so it’s best to start gathering resources and information as soon as possible. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to make informed decisions about your future career.

Now let's explore the different options available so you can figure out how much help you need.

Key Takeaway: Evaluate your career trajectory, decide the type of assistance you require and scout out potential resources for advice; from free online options like Glassdoor or LinkedIn to more specific avenues.

Decide How Much Help You Need

When contemplating a professional shift, the degree of assistance you require will be contingent on your personal circumstances. It’s important to assess what kind of assistance you need and how much time and effort you can dedicate to finding the right resources.

If you're cognisant of your own aspirations and identity, perhaps minimal direction could suffice. You might just need someone to review your resume or provide feedback on an interview technique. In such circumstances, engaging in individualised mentoring with an expert may be advantageous.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the process or don’t know where to start, more comprehensive support may be necessary. This could include researching different job roles that fit your skillset as well as taking courses in areas such as communication or networking that can give you an edge in interviews and negotiations. A career coach who specialises in helping people transition into new industries is also recommended for those looking for more intensive guidance throughout their journey.

Weighing up the necessity of assistance is an essential component for a successful professional transformation. Having the right assistance and materials can give you assurance when selecting a course of action that will get you to your desired result.

Key Takeaway: No matter what the particulars of your circumstances may be, seeking out advice on career moves can offer beneficial direction and assist you in effecting a successful shift. A professional coach or comprehensive support system can help you achieve success.

Choose The Right Help

When it comes to seeking help with a career change, there are several options available. It’s important to identify what type of help you need and how much time and money you can invest in the process. Depending on your individual situation, the best choice of action may vary; it could be determined by factors such as budget, timeline or requirements.

One popular option is working with a career coach or mentor who specialises in helping people make successful transitions into new careers. A good coach will have extensive experience in their field as well as knowledge about job search strategies and the current job market trends. A career coach or career advisor can offer tailored guidance, taking into account your unique aspirations and abilities, to help you stand out in the job application process or during an interview.

Another option is attending workshops or seminars related to career development topics such as resume writing, networking skills, interviewing techniques etc., which are often offered by universities or other educational institutions at low cost or free of charge. These sessions usually include presentations from experts in the field followed by interactive activities where participants get to practice their newly acquired skills with guidance from facilitators.

Online resources such as websites dedicated to providing information about different industries, blogs offering tips on how to find work opportunities abroad or online courses covering various aspects of professional development are also great sources of assistance when looking for a new job path. Many sites offer free access while others require payment but they all provide valuable insights into specific areas that could be useful during your transition period.

Finally, don't forget to leverage your personal networks. Family members, friends and colleagues can often point out interesting opportunities that may not be advertised publicly yet, so don't hesitate to reach out if you think someone might know something helpful.

When thinking of altering your professional path, acquiring the proper aid can be essential for success. Investigate digital sources for aid when pondering your next move, and reap the rewards of their immense insight.

Key Takeaway: No matter the shift in profession you seek, there are many aids to aid you in transitioning effectively. Consider working with a coach or mentor, attending workshops or seminars, utilising online resources and leveraging your personal networks.

Use Online Resources

Online resources are a great way to get the help you need when navigating a career change. Forums, sites and social media networks can give you tremendous guidance in matters such as interview preparation approaches, CV formation hints, job search methods and beyond.

For example, websites like Glassdoor offer reviews of companies from current and former employees which can give you an idea of what it’s like to work there before applying for a job. One can also uncover salary particulars for multiple positions, thereby equipping oneself with an understanding of what to anticipate in the event that a job offer is presented.

Social media groups are another great resource for career advice. LinkedIn has several active groups dedicated to helping people with their careers such as “Career Advice & Networking” or “Job Search Tips & Strategies” where members share helpful articles and answer questions about resumes, interviews and other aspects of job searching.

Finally, forums are an excellent source of information when researching potential employers or industry trends. Sites like Reddit have many different subreddits (forums) devoted to specific industries where people discuss everything from job openings in their field to how they got hired at certain companies. This is especially useful if you want detailed insights into particular roles or organizations that may not be available elsewhere online.

Overall, utilising online resources is essential when looking for help with your career change journey – whether it's finding out more about potential employers or learning new skills related to your desired profession. These tools will provide valuable insight into making informed decisions throughout your transition process.

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Regardless of your current career level, obtaining guidance can be a great method to achieve clarity and assurance. With the right resources, you can find the guidance and support that will help you make informed decisions about your future.

Whether it's through online resources or professional coaching services, there is no shortage of options when it comes to finding assistance for your job search or career change. Don't be afraid to seek aid if you require it; taking positive strides towards attaining your ambitions is always worth the energy expended.

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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