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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 3 2023

What Should I Retrain As? How to Successfully Navigate a Career Change

Asking yourself ‘what should I retrain as’ is a common dilemma when considering making a major change. Taking the time to assess your skills, interests, and research potential options can help guide your decision-making process.

It's important to network with professionals in the field of interest, consider professional development courses that could give you an edge over other job applicants, and make an actionable plan before taking any steps towards transitioning into another career path.

We'll discuss these topics further throughout this blog post so if you're asking 'what should I retrain as', keep reading.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Assess Your Skills and Interests

When it comes to making a career change that's right for you, the first step is to assess your skills and interests. Knowing what you are good at and what you enjoy can help you narrow down potential job options. 

Take some time to think about the things that make you unique – from technical skills like coding or accounting, to soft skills such as communication or problem-solving. Consider which of these strengths would be beneficial in a new role and how they could set you apart from other candidates.

It’s also important to consider your passions when looking for a new job. Think about activities that bring joy into your life – whether it’s playing an instrument, volunteering with animals, or writing poetry – and find ways to incorporate them into your work life if possible. 

This will ensure that any career change is something that brings fulfilment rather than just another job where you feel stuck again in no time.

Finally, don’t forget about any additional training or certifications needed for certain jobs. If there are specific qualifications required for the type of position you want, look into courses offered by local colleges or online programs so that when applying for jobs in this field, employers know that not only do you have relevant experience but also the necessary education as well.

Assessing your skills and interests is the first step in finding a career that fits you. Take time to reflect on what you are passionate about and where your strengths lie before researching different career paths.

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Research Different Career Paths

When it comes to researching different career paths, the possibilities are endless. It’s important to take the time to explore your options and find a path that best suits your skills and interests. Start by making a list of potential roles you may be interested in pursuing. Consider any relevant qualifications, experience or education needed for each role.

For example, if you’re looking at marketing roles, look into what kind of degree or certification is required for entry-level positions as well as more advanced ones. Research job postings on websites like Indeed or Glassdoor to get an idea of what employers are looking for in terms of qualifications and experience. 

You can also reach out to professionals already working in the field via LinkedIn or other networking platforms to gain insight into their experiences and learn about their advice on how they got started in their careers.

Once you have identified some potential career paths, start exploring them further by reading industry news articles online and attending webinars related to those fields. This will help you understand current trends within the industry as well as give you ideas about which direction might be best suited for your goals and aspirations moving forward. 

Consider taking professional development courses such as coding boot camps or language classes that could help boost your resume when applying for jobs down the line.

Once you have done all this research, it is time to make a plan of action. Create a timeline with achievable goals that will help guide you towards success along whichever career path you choose - whether it is changing industries entirely or just advancing within one - so that eventually you can land yourself a fulfilling job opportunity.

Researching different career paths can help you identify which ones may be a good fit for your skills and interests. By networking with professionals in the field, you can gain valuable insight into the industry and develop relationships that could benefit your career transition.

Key Takeaway: Take the time to explore your career options, research job postings and speak with professionals already in the field. Create a timeline with achievable goals to help you reach success and eventually land yourself a fulfilling job opportunity.

Consider Professional Development Courses

Investing in professional development courses can be a great way to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for a career change. Whether you are looking to switch industries or just move up the ladder, taking courses related to your desired field can help you stand out from other applicants.

Research Different Courses Available

Before enrolling in any course, it is important to research what is available. Look into online classes, certification programs, or even workshops offered by local organisations that may provide more specialised training than traditional universities offer. Consider the cost of each program as well as its duration and how much time you will need to dedicate towards completing it successfully.

Find Mentors & Connect With Professionals

Mentorship can be invaluable when considering a career change because it provides access to experienced professionals who have already been through similar transitions themselves. Reach out via social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter and ask if anyone would be willing to discuss their experiences with you over coffee or on the phone so that you can get advice tailored specifically for your situation.

Invest In Yourself & Take Action

Finally, once you’ve done all of your research and made an informed decision about which course(s) best fit your needs, make sure that you invest both financially and emotionally into making them successful endeavours for yourself. Set realistic goals for yourself regarding completion dates and don't forget why it is that you decided to take these courses in the first place; they should ultimately lead towards helping further your career prospects.

Taking the time to consider professional development courses can help you gain a better understanding of what skills and qualifications are necessary for your desired career change. Now, it's time to make a plan and take action.

Key Takeaway: Investing in professional development courses is a great way to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for a career change. Research available courses, find mentors and connect with professionals, then invest in yourself and take action.

Make a Plan & Take Action

Making a plan and taking action are essential steps to making a successful career transition. Before you can take any action, it’s important to assess your skills and interests. Think about what you enjoy doing, the kind of work that comes naturally to you, and what type of environment or industry would be best suited for your strengths. 

Once you have an idea of where you want to go next in your career, research different paths available in that field. Look into potential job titles, educational requirements, salary ranges, etc., so that when it comes time to make decisions about which direction is right for you, you’ll be well informed.

Networking with professionals who are already working in the field is also beneficial as they can provide valuable insight on how they got there and offer advice on how best to get started yourself. Consider attending professional development courses or workshops related to the field if possible; this will help build up your knowledge base while also giving employers an indication of your commitment level should they consider hiring someone from outside their organisation.

Key Takeaway: To make a successful career transition, assess your skills and interests, research different paths in the field, network with professionals already working in the field, and attend professional development courses.


What is the best career to retrain for?

It depends on the individual's skills, interests, and goals. Some of the most popular career paths for retraining include technology-related fields such as software engineering or web development; healthcare professions like nursing or medical assisting; business roles such as project management or financial analysis; and creative disciplines like graphic design or video production. 

Ultimately, it is important to consider what you are passionate about and what will best suit your lifestyle when deciding which career path to pursue. With careful research and thoughtful consideration, you can make an informed decision that will help ensure a successful transition into a new field.

What is a good career to get into right now?

The job market is constantly changing, so it can be difficult to determine which career path is the best one to pursue. However, some of the most promising and in-demand fields right now include software engineering, data science, healthcare technology, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, cybersecurity, digital marketing and web development. 

These careers offer excellent growth potential and a variety of opportunities for those looking to make a career change. Additionally, many of these roles are well suited for remote work or flexible hours - making them ideal for those seeking more control over their schedules. With the right training and dedication, these careers can provide a stable future for those willing to invest in their professional development.


Making a career change can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. By assessing your skills and interests, researching different career paths, networking with professionals in the field you're interested in, considering professional development courses and making a plan of action - you'll be well on your way to finding success. 

It's important to remember that retraining as something new is an investment in yourself; so ask yourself “should I retrain as” whatever job or profession best suits your interests and goals. With dedication and hard work, you can make this transition successfully.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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