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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 3 2023

This Looks Like a Job for Me: How to Take Control of Your Career Change

It can be intimidating when trying to decide what's best for your future. But, with the right guidance and support, you should end your search thinking "this looks like a job for me." Taking charge of your career doesn't have to feel overwhelming - it starts by identifying clear goals and exploring all available options.

With our help, we'll provide tips on how to develop relevant skillsets, make meaningful connections that could lead to new opportunities, as well as actionable steps so you can take control of your destiny. We want you to have that "Aha! This looks like a job for me!" moment, so let’s get started!

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Identifying Your Career Goals

Identifying your career goals is an important step in making a successful career change. It can be difficult to know where to start, but by taking the time to reflect on what you want out of your next job and how it fits into your overall life plan, you will be better prepared for the transition.

Start by reflecting on why you are considering a career change. Are there aspects of your current job that don’t align with who you are or what you want? What do you enjoy doing? What would make work meaningful for you? Make sure that any new career path is something that resonates with who you are and not just something that looks good on paper.

Once you have identified some potential paths, research them thoroughly. Read up on industry trends, talk to people in those fields, and look at job postings online so that when it comes time to apply for jobs, there won't be any surprises about what the position entails or requires from applicants.

Think about which skills from your current role could transfer over into this new field and which ones need further development or training before applying for positions. Consider enrolling in classes or getting certifications if necessary; these investments can pay off significantly down the line when it comes time to land a new job in this field.

Finally, consider whether changing careers will require relocating or other lifestyle changes such as working fewer hours than before; both of these should be taken into account when deciding if now is the right time for a switch-up. Taking all these factors into consideration will help ensure success when embarking upon a major life decision like switching careers.

Once you have identified your career goals, it is time to explore the various options available to you. Researching potential job opportunities and networking with professionals in the industry can help you make an informed decision about which path is best for your future.

Key Takeaway: Take the time to reflect on your career goals and research potential paths thoroughly before making a switch. Consider how skills from your current job will transfer, what certifications or training may be necessary, and if lifestyle changes such as relocating are required.

Exploring Your Options

When considering a career change, it’s important to explore all of your options. Depending on the type of career you are looking for, there may be several paths available to you. Here are some common options:

Further Education:

If you need additional training or qualifications in order to pursue a new career path, further education could be an option. This could involve taking courses at a college or university, enrolling in online classes or attending workshops and seminars related to your desired field.


Retraining involves learning new skills that will help you transition into a different industry or role. This can include anything from job-specific training programs offered by employers to more general courses such as customer service or communication skills. It is important to research the types of retraining available before committing yourself financially and time-wise.

Starting A Business:

Starting your own business can provide an exciting opportunity for those looking for a complete change in their professional life. However, it requires careful planning and research into potential markets and competitors before launching any venture. Additionally, start-up costs should also be taken into consideration when deciding whether this is the right choice for you.

Network building is essential when making any kind of career move, even if just within your current organisation, as it allows you access to people who have knowledge about roles and opportunities that may not otherwise be known publicly yet. 

You can build networks through attending events such as conferences and networking groups, participating in online forums, joining professional associations, volunteering with organisations relevant to your chosen field or asking friends/family/colleagues if they know anyone who might have useful information.

Once you have identified what direction(s) best suit(s) your needs, it is time to take action. Developing an action plan will help keep track of progress towards achieving goals while also providing motivation along the way - break down big tasks into smaller chunks so they seem less daunting. 

Make sure that each step has measurable outcomes so success or failure can easily be tracked over time which helps inform future decisions too.

Taking the time to explore your options and gain a better understanding of what's available in the job market is an important step in finding a career that suits you best. Now, it's time to start developing the skills needed to make this transition successful.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career change, it's important to explore all options including further education, retraining and starting your own business. Building networks through events and online forums can provide useful information for making the transition. Finally, developing an action plan with measurable outcomes will help track progress towards achieving goals.

Developing Your Skills

Developing the skills necessary for a successful career change can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips on how to get started:


Networking is an essential part of any job search and career transition, so it is a skill to be practiced in its own right. It's important to reach out to people in your field who can provide advice and insight into potential opportunities. Doing it regularly will make you improve your approach each time. Think of networking like another muscle to be trained!


Research is key when making a career change. Spend time researching different industries, companies, and roles that may interest you so that you can make informed decisions about your next steps. Utilise resources such as trade publications, websites dedicated to specific fields or jobs, and even talking with professionals already working in the field you're interested in transitioning into.


Problem-solving skills are invaluable when making a career change as they allow you to think critically about the challenges that arise during the process of finding a new job or starting a business venture. To develop these skills, practice problem-solving techniques such as brainstorming solutions or using analytical thinking processes like SWOT analysis (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats).

Look for ways to apply creative approaches when tackling problems related to your transition; this could include developing innovative strategies for networking or exploring alternative methods of research beyond what is traditionally used in your industry.

Developing your skills is an important step in navigating a career change. By honing the necessary skills and expertise, you can open up new opportunities for yourself. Now let's look at how to make those connections that will help you get ahead in your new career.

TAKEAWAY TWEET: Making a career change can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips on how to get started: Networking, Researching & Problem-Solving. #CareerChange #Networking #Researching #ProblemSolving Click to Tweet

Making Connections

Making connections is a key part of any successful career change. It can open up opportunities that you may not have known about otherwise, and it can help to give you the confidence to pursue your goals. Here are some tips for making meaningful connections in your chosen field:

1. Attend Networking Events – Attending networking events such as conferences, seminars, or workshops related to your industry is an excellent way to meet people who share similar interests and goals. These events provide a great opportunity to make new contacts and build relationships with potential employers or mentors.

2. Reach Out To Professionals In Your Field – If there’s someone in particular whose work you admire, don’t be afraid to reach out directly via email or social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter. Introduce yourself briefly and explain why their work resonates with you; they may be willing to offer advice on how best to move forward in your own career journey.

3. Join Professional Organisations – Joining professional organisations related to your industry will allow you access not only valuable resources but also other professionals who could potentially become mentors or even future colleagues. Many of these organisations also host regular meetings where members can network with each other face-to-face—a great way for those seeking a career change to get connected quickly.

4. Leverage Your Existing Connections – Don't forget about the people already in your network. Friends, family members, former colleagues—all of them might know someone who works in the same field as you do (or something closely related). Ask around and see if anyone has any leads; even if they don't have direct experience themselves, they might know someone else who does.

Utilize online platforms - There are many online platforms dedicated specifically towards helping job seekers find employment opportunities within their desired fields such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn Jobs. Make sure that all these sites are updated regularly so that recruiters/employers searching for talent can easily find information about yourself when needed.

Making connections is key to a successful career change. With the right contacts, you can open doors and create opportunities for yourself. Now it's time to take action and start putting your plan into motion.

Key Takeaway: Making meaningful connections is essential for any successful career change. Utilise online platforms, attend networking events, reach out to professionals in your field, join professional organisations and leverage existing connections to make the most of your career journey.

Taking Action

Taking action is the key to making progress towards your desired career change. It can be intimidating to make a big move, but it’s important to remember that taking small steps in the right direction can lead you closer and closer to achieving your goals.

Start by setting achievable goals for yourself. Break down larger tasks into smaller ones and prioritize them according to importance or urgency. For example, if you want to switch careers from marketing into web development, start by researching coding bootcamps or online courses that will help you gain the skills needed for this transition. Make sure these goals are realistic; don’t set expectations too high as this could lead to disappointment or frustration if they aren’t met.

Once you have identified what needs to be done, create an action plan with specific deadlines so that you stay on track and motivated throughout the process of changing careers. This plan should include activities such as attending networking events related to your new field of interest, reaching out directly via email or LinkedIn messages about job opportunities in your target industry, and even asking friends or family members who work in similar roles for advice on how best to approach a career transition like yours. Taking consistent action towards achieving these goals will help you make progress towards a successful career change.

Don't forget about self-care during this time either. Making a career change is hard work and it can be easy for stress levels to rise quickly when there are so many things going on at once - take breaks whenever possible and reward yourself after completing each step of your action plan. Finally, remember that no one achieves success overnight; Rome wasn't built in a day, so keep pushing forward until all of your hard work pays off.

Key Takeaway: Take consistent action towards your career change goals by setting achievable objectives, creating an action plan with deadlines and taking breaks to reward yourself.


With the right guidance and support, you can find yourself in a job that is more suited to your skills and interests. By taking the time to identify your goals, explore your options, develop new skills, make connections with professionals in the field of interest and take action on those opportunities - this looks like a job for me - you will soon find yourself well on your way towards making that career transition successful.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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