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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 3 2023

5 Important Steps to Figure Out: What Job Can I Do?

Many professionals experience a period of dissatisfaction with their career paths and feel the need for change. But how do you go about making that transition? Finding out what type of job is right for you isn't always easy - but it doesn't have to be overwhelming either.

We'll discuss five key steps to help make your journey towards finding a new career path easier: assessing your soft skills; reviewing interests that are in demand; researching different job options; taking advantage of resources available; and creating an action plan. With these strategies, discovering the perfect job will become much simpler.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Assess Your Soft Skills

Soft skills are an important part of any job search and career change. They can help you stand out from the competition, make a good impression on potential employers, and increase your chances of success in the workplace. Soft skills refer to interpersonal qualities such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

It’s important to assess your soft skills before beginning a job search or making a career change. This will give you an idea of what areas need improvement so that you can focus on them during the process. To start assessing your soft skills:

• Make a list of all the tasks you have completed in past jobs or volunteer experiences that required soft skill use (e.g., resolving conflicts between team members).

• Ask for feedback from supervisors or colleagues about how well you performed those tasks.

• Reflect on how comfortable you felt when performing those tasks and if there were any areas where improvement is needed (e.g., public speaking).

• Think about times when using certain soft skills helped achieve positive outcomes (e.g., communicating effectively with customers resulting in increased sales).

Once you have identified which soft skills need work, it is time to take action. Consider taking classes related to these topics or joining professional organisations that offer workshops and seminars related to developing these types of abilities - such as Toastmasters International for public speaking practice - in order to improve upon them further. 

Look into online courses offered by reputable sources like Coursera or Udemy; they often provide great insight into different aspects of personal development at affordable prices.

Once you have identified your soft skills, use them to review the interests that are in demand and determine which career path may be best suited for you.

Key Takeaway: Soft skills are essential for job seekers and career changers. To assess your soft skills, reflect on past experiences, ask for feedback from supervisors or colleagues, and identify areas of improvement. Take action by taking classes related to these topics or joining professional organisations that offer workshops and seminars to further develop them.

Review Your Interests That Are In Demand

The first step to making a successful career change is to review your interests that are in demand. It’s important to identify the skills and passions you have that could be useful in the job market. This can help narrow down your search for potential jobs or industries you may want to pursue.

Start by making a list of all the things you enjoy doing, such as hobbies, activities, and volunteer work. Consider what kind of knowledge or experience you gained from these activities that could be transferable into other fields. For example, if you volunteered at an animal shelter, this might indicate an interest in working with animals or in customer service roles where empathy is needed.

Think about any special talents or abilities that make you stand out from others and how they could be applied elsewhere. If you’re great at problem-solving, then perhaps look into engineering roles which require analytical thinking skills. Or if creativity is one of your strengths then consider exploring graphic design opportunities which involve creative expression and visual communication techniques.

You should also research current trends within different industries so that you know what types of jobs are available right now and will continue to grow over time as technology advances further; such as data science positions which use artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for predictive analytics purposes or web development roles utilising coding languages like HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript etc. This way when it comes time for interviews employers will see that not only do have relevant experience but also understand their industry's latest advancements too.

By taking the time to review your interests that are in demand, you can begin to identify potential job options that fit your skills and passions. Next, let's look at how to research different job options available to you.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: To successfully make a career change, review your interests in demand and identify transferable skills. Research current trends, consider special talents and abilities, and showcase soft skills during interviews.

Research Different Job Options

Researching different job options is an important step in the career change process. Knowing what’s available and understanding the educational requirements, salary range, and job outlook can help you make an informed decision about which option is right for you.

Start by making a list of potential jobs that interest you. Think about your skillset, experience level, and any special qualifications or certifications that could be beneficial to your search. Once you have a few job ideas in mind, research each one individually to get more information on them.

Look into the educational requirements for each position. Some may require a college degree while others might only need specialised training or certification courses to qualify for the role. Consider how much time it would take to complete these requirements if they are necessary for the job you want to pursue.

Another factor to consider when researching different job options is salary range. Look at average salaries as well as potential bonuses or other benefits associated with certain positions so that you know what kind of compensation package to expect from employers in this field before applying for jobs or interviewing with companies who offer these roles.

Finally, look into the overall job outlook within this industry sector over time so that you understand whether there will be opportunities available now and down the line if needed in order to secure employment long-term after making your career change move successful. This will give insight into whether it is worth investing time and money into pursuing this particular path professionally or not based on current market trends related directly back towards whatever specific type of work being researched out here today.

Researching different job options can help you gain clarity on the types of careers that may be a good fit for you. Taking advantage of resources such as career counselling, job search tools, and informational interviews can help you further explore potential opportunities and make an informed decision about your next career move.

Key Takeaway: Researching job options is essential for a successful career change. Make sure to consider educational requirements, salary range and job outlook before applying or interviewing. List potential jobs of interest, research each one individually and understand the associated benefits.

Take Advantage of Resources

When it comes to navigating a career change, taking advantage of resources can be key. There are many options available for those looking to gain knowledge or certifications related to their chosen field. Online courses and workshops are great ways to demonstrate your commitment and dedication towards learning new skills or expanding on existing ones.

For example, if you’re interested in transitioning into the tech industry, there are plenty of online courses that teach coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. These courses provide an opportunity for job seekers to learn valuable skills without having to invest too much time or money into traditional education programs. Additionally, these types of classes can also help potential employers get a better understanding of your skill set when applying for jobs in the tech sector.

Another resource available is professional development workshops offered by organisations like universities or local chambers of commerce. These workshops typically focus on topics such as networking strategies, resume writing tips and interviewing techniques which can all be helpful when making a career transition. 

Attending these events is also beneficial because they give job seekers an opportunity to meet other professionals in their desired field who may have advice about how best approach the job search process from someone with experience in that particular industry.

Taking advantage of resources can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make an informed decision about your career change. With a plan in place, you can start taking actionable steps towards achieving your goals.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: When considering a career change, take advantage of online courses and professional development workshops to gain valuable skills and knowledge. These resources can provide job seekers with the necessary tools for success in their chosen field.

Create a Plan

Creating a plan for yourself is essential when navigating a career change. It will help you stay organised and focused on the steps needed to reach your goal. Start by assessing your soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities. These are transferable skills that can be applied in any job or industry.

Review Your Interests That Are In Demand:

Take some time to think about what interests you and which industries are currently hiring. Research different job options available in those fields so you have an idea of what type of positions may be available to you. Consider talking with people who work in these industries or attending networking events related to them if possible.

Research Different Job Options:

Once you’ve identified potential jobs that align with your interests, research them further to get a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities associated with each one. Make sure it’s something that appeals to you before committing too much time into pursuing it further as a career option.

Take Advantage of Resources:

Utilise resources like online courses or informational interviews with professionals already working in the field for additional insight into what life would look like if this was your chosen path forward professionally speaking. This will give you more clarity on whether this is something worth pursuing long-term or not before investing too much energy into it unnecessarily otherwise

Now that all the groundwork has been laid out, create an actionable plan for yourself outlining specific steps necessary towards achieving your desired outcome – finding a new job or changing careers entirely. Set short-term goals such as attending networking events or completing online courses, as well as long-term goals such as applying for jobs or pursuing further education opportunities related to your chosen field. Break down larger tasks into smaller ones so they don't seem overwhelming; then prioritise based on importance and urgency so nothing slips through the cracks along the way.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: When considering a career change, assess your skills, research job options in demand and take advantage of available resources to create an actionable plan. Steps include: assessing soft skills; researching job options; utilising resources; setting goals.


Making a career change can be daunting, but with the right resources and plan in place it doesn't have to be. Take time to assess your soft skills, research different job options that are in demand, and take advantage of available resources. With these steps you can answer the question "what job can I do" confidently and start on the path towards a successful career transition.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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