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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 21 2023

Where to Get Career Advice for Adults That's Helpful Now

Are you a grown-up pondering a job switch, yet uncertain of the best place to begin? With so many resources available online and in person, it can be difficult for adults to figure out where they should go for the best advice. But with a bit of research and knowledge on what options are available, finding reliable sources of information on how to navigate your career transition is possible.

In this blog post we'll explore some great places for adults seeking help with their job search including online resources, professional coaches, networking events and mentorships - all designed specifically around helping those looking into making a major life shift in terms of their careers. So if you're ready to take that next step towards achieving success in your chosen field then read ahead as we discuss the various ways one can get quality advice when considering "where to get career advice for adults".

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Online Resources

When seeking out career advice online, there are a wealth of options available. Websites such as Glassdoor and Indeed can provide useful info on job descriptions, employer reviews, and salary ranges. Blogs such as The Muse or Work It Daily provide up-to-date news on the latest trends in the job market, plus helpful tips on how to stand out from other applicants. Social media groups can be a great way to connect with people who have gone through similar experiences when transitioning careers. There are also forums dedicated solely to helping individuals find jobs or switch industries—a great resource if you’re looking for more personalised advice than what websites can offer.

In addition, many large companies maintain their own blogs that provide valuable insights into their respective fields. These sites often feature interviews with current employees discussing their roles and day-to-day tasks at work, giving readers an inside look into what it’s really like working there. They may even post available positions from time to time so be sure to check them out.

No matter where you turn online, chances are you’ll find something useful when researching potential career paths or interviewing techniques; however, don't forget to take advantage of real world resources as well. Professional coaches and mentorships can help give your search a boost by providing guidance tailored specifically for your situation while networking events let you get face-time with industry professionals who could potentially open doors for new opportunities down the line.

Online resources can be useful for starting out on a career shift, but if you want more individualised guidance and direction, professional coaches are the ideal choice. Professional coaches provide tailored advice based on your unique situation and goals that will help you make an informed decision about where to go next in your career.

"Career advice for adults? Check out online resources like Glassdoor & Indeed, blogs, social media groups & forums. Plus, don't forget to take advantage of real world resources like mentorships & networking events." #careeradvice #professionaldevelopment Click to Tweet

Professional Coaches

Professional coaches can be a great asset to job seekers and disillusioned professionals looking for a career change. A mentor can offer custom-made support suited to your particular requirements, enhancing the likelihood of you succeeding in making this transition.

A professional coach is more than just someone who gives advice; they are an accountability partner, cheerleader, and sounding board all rolled into one. They can assist in creating plans to attain objectives, offering guidance and direction for success. A good mentor should be able to pinpoint any spaces where extra assistance or resources may be needed so that objectives can be accomplished quicker.

The advantage of collaborating with a certified coach is their capability to make you answerable for your deeds. Having someone there that can keep track of your progress and provide encouragement when things get tough is invaluable during times like these when it's easy to become overwhelmed by the process or give up altogether. It’s like having a personal trainer cheering you on while also pushing you out of your comfort zone – something we could all use from time-to-time.

Working with a professional coach isn't only beneficial during times of transition but can help maintain motivation throughout any stage in life - whether it's starting up a business, changing jobs, or simply setting new goals for yourself professionally or personally. With their expertise and knowledge they are able to offer unique insights into how best approach each situation which makes them invaluable partners in achieving success no matter what field or industry we choose.

Professionals can offer invaluable counsel in terms of discovering the perfect job for you based on your talents, interests, and aspirations. Networking events are another great way to get advice on how to make a successful transition in your career path.

Key Takeaway: A professional coach can be an invaluable asset in helping job seekers and professionals navigate career changes, providing personalised advice as well as accountability to help them reach their goals. A professional coach is like a cheerleader and motivator, giving support to those in the midst of career transitions while ensuring that success can be achieved at any point.

Networking Events

Networking events are a great way to meet potential employers and learn more about different industries. By attending these events, job seekers can make important connections that could lead to new opportunities. Plus, networking is an essential part of any successful career change.

It's important to prepare for a networking event before you attend one. Before the event, look into which companies and organizations will be present to understand their operations and who is representing them. This will help you ask better questions when you meet them at the event. Additionally, bring plenty of business cards with your contact information printed on them so people can easily get in touch with you after the event if they're interested in talking further about possible job opportunities or collaborations.

At the event itself, it’s best to start off by introducing yourself and sharing a bit about your background and experience – but don’t talk too much. It's also helpful to have some conversation starters ready like asking someone how they got into their line of work or what advice they would give someone looking for a career change similar to yours. Listening carefully during conversations is key as well; it shows respect for others' opinions while allowing room for genuine dialogue between all parties involved.

Finally, it is important to follow up afterwards with those contacts who seemed particularly invested in learning more about your skillset or goals. This could mean sending a polite email expressing gratitude for taking the time out of their day to speak with you, or even arranging another meeting over coffee if both parties are available and willing. Additionally, make sure to keep track of everyone's contact information; this way, when something pertinent comes up related to one particular person’s expertise/industry knowledge etc., then you will have all the necessary details at hand.

Networking opportunities can be an excellent way to acquire tips and assistance from those in the same industry, making them a valuable asset for anyone seeking career advice. Mentoring affords a more tailored approach to assisting people who wish to achieve success in their chosen career.

Key Takeaway: Networking occasions offer a great opportunity to make contact with possible employers and gain insight into varied fields, so it's essential to be ready. Once at the event, introducing yourself and having conversation starters ready will help get the ball rolling; follow up afterwards is also key in order to stay top of mind. In other words, network your way into success.


Mentorships are an invaluable resource for those looking to make a career change. Mentorships provide a chance to get knowledge from an individual who has achieved success in their professional field or sector. Mentors can be a great asset when transitioning to an unfamiliar role, providing invaluable direction and counsel on how best to tackle the job.

For example, if you’re looking to switch industries, having a mentor who is familiar with that sector can help you navigate any unfamiliarity you may have with the new environment. A mentor could furnish tips on what qualifications are essential for success in that job and how to improve them. Mentors can also provide emotional support during this process; helping boost your confidence levels by offering words of encouragement and providing reassurance throughout your journey towards achieving your goals.

In addition, mentorships often come with access to their network of contacts which can prove extremely beneficial when seeking out potential job opportunities or gathering more information about a certain company or sector. Through these connections you may even be able to secure yourself an interview at the organisation of your dreams.

At times it might seem daunting entering into such a relationship but don’t forget that everyone needs help now and then – no matter where they are in their career journey – so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance if needed. And remember: “If there's something strange in your neighbourhood...who ya gonna call? Ghost-busters? Just kidding - try mentorship instead.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW


When seeking counsel on career-related matters, there are a multitude of avenues one can explore. Whether you choose online resources, professional coaches, networking events or mentorships - it's essential to find the right fit for your individual needs and goals. By doing so, you can ensure that you get the most out of your journey as an adult looking for guidance on where to get career advice.

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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