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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 21 2023

Best Career Advice for Adults After a Successful Change

As adults, we often find ourselves in a situation where our career path is unclear. Whether you are seeking some practical career advice for adults, a change of pace or aiming to explore new possibilities, determining the best course of action can be daunting. With the right guidance and advice, however, finding your way through this process doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Our team of experienced professionals has compiled helpful tips on how best to navigate career changes as an adult with confidence and clarity – from identifying your goals and researching potential careers all the way through networking for opportunities and preparing for interviews. Read on if you're ready for some insightful career advice.

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Identifying Your Career Goals

To achieve success with a career change, it is essential to have a well-defined vision of one's desired outcome. Having a well-defined purpose will assist in navigating the transition and guarantee that any choices align with your desired result.

Evaluate your capabilities and background to determine where you stand. Create a record of all the abilities that you possess and those regions where enhancement may be required. By assessing your current skills and experience, you can gain insight into the extent of work needed to reach your desired objectives.

Once the evaluation is finished, devise a plan of action based on achievable objectives tailored to your current abilities and interests. Set achievable objectives that are tailored to your current skill set and interests - such as taking courses or attending workshops which could boost existing knowledge or equip you with new skillsets needed for success in certain roles. 

Don't let trepidation impede you from delving into unfamiliar territory if there's something that could help propel you towards a particular objective (e.g., speaking before an audience). After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Finally, remember that these goals should always remain flexible; life throws us curveballs sometimes so being able to adjust plans accordingly is essential if we're going to reach our ultimate destination without getting lost along the way.

Having identified your career goals, you can now begin to research potential careers that will best fit those goals. Gaining insight into the business sector and labor market tendencies, as well as being aware of what capabilities are essential for achieving success in each area, is a must when undertaking research on suitable occupations that meet your career aspirations.

Key Takeaway: To be successful in a career transition, it is necessary to recognise your aspirations and evaluate your existing abilities. Create achievable objectives tailored specifically for you - such as taking courses or attending workshops - and don't be afraid of venturing outside the comfort zone; after all, no risk, no reward. Be sure to stay flexible in case life throws a curveball at any point during the journey.

Researching Potential Careers

When it comes to making a career change, researching potential careers is essential. To ensure that you make the best career decision for yourself, it is important to research potential industries and jobs which align with your interests and abilities.

Start by exploring job descriptions that align with your goals and interests. This will give you an idea of what daily tasks may look like and if they’re something you could see yourself doing long-term. Additionally, consider salary expectations so that you know how much money to expect when considering different roles or positions. Lastly, take some time to explore industry trends; understanding where certain sectors are headed can help guide decisions around which jobs may have longevity or growth potential over the next few years.

It’s also important to remember that research isn’t just limited to online resources – talking with people who work in various fields is another great way to gain insight into different types of jobs and organizations. You never know who might have valuable advice based on their experience. Enquire about the daily duties, atmosphere of the organisation, difficulties they confront in their work and so on; this can aid you to decide if a particular occupation is suitable for you or not.

Researching potential careers doesn't have to feel overwhelming - think of it like putting together pieces of a puzzle until everything fits perfectly. With patience and dedication, as well as helpful tips from friends, finding the right career path for your future won't seem quite so daunting after all.

Exploring potential vocations can give you a clearer comprehension of what alternatives are available to you and how they fit with your aptitudes. Networking can be an effective way to boost the likelihood of finding a suitable career, once you have researched and identified potential options that fit your abilities.

Key Takeaway: Career research is the key to unlocking a successful career change. With patience and dedication, as well as helpful advice from friends, you can piece together all of the elements necessary for finding the perfect job fit - from researching job descriptions to understanding industry trends and talking with professionals in various fields.

Networking for Opportunities

Making connections is essential for securing the ideal job, as it can be the difference between success and failure. It’s the age-old adage that “it’s not what you know, but who you know” that can often be the difference between getting your foot in the door and missing out on an opportunity.

Attending gatherings such as career expos, conventions, or sector mixers can be a great way to make contacts in the industry you're interested in. These are excellent opportunities for making connections with potential employers and learning about available positions within companies. Moreover, such gatherings can be beneficial for staying informed about the latest advancements and developments in your chosen field.

Joining Professional Organizations:

Joining professional organizations can open up many doors when it comes to networking with likeminded professionals. Attending a professional organisation could give you the possibility to discover job postings related to your area of focus, as well as plentiful chances for interacting with other experts in person at seminars or events hosted by the group.

Connecting with professionals in your desired field is an essential part of finding a new career path, and networking via email or social media platforms such as LinkedIn can provide opportunities to introduce yourself, explain why you'd be the perfect fit for any role they may have now or later on. 

Reaching out to potential contacts via digital channels like email or LinkedIn could be a great way of introducing yourself and displaying why you'd make an ideal candidate for any role they may have now, or in the future. This type of outreach could potentially lead to informational interviews which could then turn into referrals from those contacts if they believe that someone else might benefit from hiring you.

Overall, networking plays an integral role when transitioning into a new career path so don't forget its importance. Whether it's attending events, joining professional organizations or connecting with people already established within your desired industry - having multiple avenues through which one can build their network should always be taken advantage of if possible.

By leveraging networking opportunities, one can increase their chances of a successful career transition. Gaining the right know-how and awareness of what companies seek in prospective hires can be beneficial for a successful job hunt, making sure to prepare well for interviews.

Key Takeaway: Networking is key when it comes to making a career change, so be sure to tap into the resources available like attending events and joining professional organizations. Don't forget about reaching out via email or social media platforms as well; by doing this you can introduce yourself, express why you're an ideal candidate for any given position, and potentially gain referrals from those contacts if they believe someone else could benefit from hiring you.

Preparing for Interviews

No matter what stage of your career you’re in, preparing for interviews is essential to make a good impression and secure the job. It can be intimidating, yet with the proper groundwork you can succeed.

First off, research the company and role beforehand. Before the interview, take time to familiarise yourself with the company's mission and values as well as any desired qualifications or capabilities for the role. You should also look into recent news stories or press releases related to them – this could come up during the interview so it’s important to know what they’ve been up to recently.

Practicing answers to common questions is another key part of prepping for an interview. Even if there are no “right answers”, practicing how you would respond can help build your confidence and ensure that you don't get tongue-tied on the day. Think about why you want this particular job, how your experience makes you a great fit for it and any examples from past roles which demonstrate relevant skills or successes.

It may sound obvious but dressing appropriately is also really important when going into an interview - first impressions count. Make sure whatever outfit choice shows respect towards those interviewing by being neat and tidy; after all, even if it's not a formal office environment, smart casual still applies here. If possible try out different outfits before hand so that on the day itself everything looks perfect - no last minute panics allowed.

Finally, don't forget some basic etiquette like arriving on time (or better yet, early), having copies of your CV ready (just in case) plus anything else that might be useful such as portfolio pieces or references from previous employers/clients etc. Being prepared will show potential employers that you not only have strong communication skills but also excellent organisational abilities too - two qualities which most companies value highly in employees.

Key Takeaway: No matter what stage of your career you’re in, nailing the interview is key to securing the job. To be successful it's important to do your homework and practice answers beforehand as well as dress for success - first impressions really count. Lastly, make sure you arrive on time with all relevant materials at hand – this will demonstrate strong communication skills and organisational abilities that employers value highly.


What is the best career advice you've ever received for changing career?

Never cease to pursue knowledge and understanding, for it is the key to success in any field. No matter how experienced you are, or what level of success you’ve achieved, there will always be something new to learn that can help improve your performance and make you a better professional.

Always strive for self-improvement by reading industry publications, attending seminars and workshops related to your field, networking with peers in the same industry as well as those who may be able to provide valuable insight from different perspectives. It's important not only for advancing professionally but also staying ahead of the competition in an ever changing landscape.

Where should I get career advice?

The best people to talk to for career advice are those who have experience in the field you’re interested in. For further advice, seek out recruiters, mentors and peers who can provide valuable insight into the requirements for success in your desired field.

For further assistance in your career transition, utilise the resources available on job boards and professional networking sites such as LinkedIn to connect with experienced professionals who can provide valuable guidance. Finally, consider investing in a certified career coach who specialises in helping individuals transition from one industry or role into another; they will have valuable knowledge and expertise about navigating through the process successfully.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW


For those looking to make a career change, it is important to remember that there are many resources available. Career advice for adults can help you identify your goals and research potential careers, network for opportunities, and prepare for interviews. A knowledgeable mentor or coach can provide the support needed to aid in transitioning into a new job.

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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