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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, May 9 2022

5 Best Job Help Resources

If you are looking for job help, you're in luck! There are many resources available to you, both online and offline. In this blog post, we will cover five of the best job help resources available.

There's so much noise and an overwhelming amount of conflicting information available that it often isn't helpful, making it hard to find a job.

I've been a career coach for many years now and just finding helpful guidance is a challenge for most people I coach. Therefore I want to provide easy to digest guidance on where you too can find useful resources.

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The Different Stages Of Finding A Job

There are five overall categories of useful resources that I want to cover, but the categories are relevant to people at different stages of their job search and career change. Which resource you use depends on the stage each person is in.

Early Stage - Completely Lost

This is the most common stage people start from when searching for a job. They have no clue what they want to do or where to start looking.

The job market is a confusing place and it seems like there are an infinite number of options. This can be very daunting for someone who is just starting out.

Mid Stage - Some Ideas But No Focus

This is when you've got a rough idea, but need to put it into practice. You've done some thinking and research, but you're still not sure what job is the right fit for you. You know what kinds of things you like and don't like, and you have a list of the best careers to explore, but need help translating that into a specific career path.

Late Stage - Narrowed It Down To A Few Options

This is when you have a good idea of the job you want, but are struggling with the final steps.

You might be stuck between a few different job options, or you might have found your dream job but don't know how to make it a reality. You're just trying to find the best career worth going in to for yo.

Final Stage - Ready To Apply

This is when you're ready to take action and start applying for jobs. You know what job you want and you have a plan to get it. You just need some help with the final steps, like writing your resume or preparing for interviews.

Looking At The Right Resources For Each Stage Of Getting A Job

We will now look at each category of resource in this "stage" format of chronological order. We do this as it makes no sense, for example, to explore resources for optimal CV layout and writing if you have no idea what you want to do.

So with that said, let's explore them! We'll cover each of the 5 categories and then also look at some individual examples of each!

5 Best Job Help Resources - Categories

1) Career Advisor Services

Early Stage

The first category is career advisory services. These are professional services that help you figure out what job is right for you. They can be either online or offline, but the best ones are usually a combination of both.

Most career advice services will start with an initial consultation. This is where you'll talk to a career advisor about your job goals and what you're looking for in a job. Based on this conversation, the advisor will create a personalised plan for you. They can help whether you're a young person starting, unemployed out or an experienced executive.

This plan will usually include a mix of online and offline resources, like books, articles, websites, and tests. The goal is to help you figure out what job is right for you and give you the tools to make it happen.

Alternatively, you could explore using a career coach. A career coach is a professional who helps you figure out your job goals and create a plan to achieve them. They usually have a background in learning & development, psychology or counselling, which helps them understand how people think about work.

If you're feeling lost and don't know where to start, a career coach can be a great option. Coaches are like personal trainers for your career. They don't do the work for you (just like a personal trainer doesn't do your workouts for you), but they provide all the support, professional guidance and motivation to get you making progress in your career.

What's the best career advisor service out there?

For an in-depth look at career advisor services check out our other post on the Top 5 Career Advisor Services.

One of the most comprehensive services I've seen is the official UK government resource called the National Careers Service. This is a free service that offers one-on-one job counselling, as well as an online library of resources.

They have a team of job counsellors who can help you figure out what job is right for you. They also have an online library of resources, which includes articles, videos, and quizzes.

If you're in the US, Canada or Australia, there are similar government-run services called JobBank (US), Job Bank (Canada) and JobSearch (Australia). These all offer a mix of online and offline job resources, including one-on-one job counselling.

Finally, if you want to explore using a personal career coach, I recommend checking out the Coaching section on our website for more info. I started Tribe And Seek to offer career coaching to anyone that needed it, and so we have loads of resources available.

2) Career Quizzes

Early Stage

The second category is career quizzes. These are online quizzes that ask you questions about your interests, skills, and values. Based on your answers, the quiz will give you job suggestions.

Career quizzes can be a great way to get started if you're feeling lost. They can help you narrow down your options and figure out what job might be a good fit for you. Just keep in mind that they are not always accurate and they tend to focus on a single core aspect of your situation. Therefore it's worth trying out a few to get a complete picture.

I recommend checking out our review on the 10 Best Career Quiz Tests.

If you're looking to try one now, go ahead to our Pathfinder career assessment now. Pathfinder is designed to help with career change. So whether you're completely lost, or you just know you need a change and need help figuring out the path to get there, it can provide insights today.

3) Psychometric Tests

Mid Stage

The third category is psychometric tests. These are online tests that measure your personality, interests, and skills. Based on your results, the test will give you job suggestions.

Psychometric tests are a great way to get an in-depth understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. They can also help you figure out what job might be a good fit for you. Just keep in mind that they are not always accurate and they tend to focus on a single core aspect of your situation. Therefore it's worth trying out a few to get a complete picture.

There are different types of psychometric tests. Some focus on your personality, some focus on your interests, and some focus on your skills.

If you want to try a personality test, I recommend the 16 Personalities Test. This is a free test that takes about 20 minutes to complete. It will give you an in-depth understanding of your personality type and job suggestions. 

If you want to try an interests test, I recommend the Holland Code Test. This is a free online test that takes about 15 minutes to complete. It will give you job suggestions based on your interests.

Finally, if you want to try a skills test, I recommend the Cognitive Reflection Test. This is a free online test that takes about 15 minutes to complete. It will give you job suggestions based on your cognitive skills.

These are just three of the many psychometric tests available out there. So if you want to explore this option further, I recommend checking out our review on the 7 Best Psychometric Tests for Careers.

4) Skills Platforms & Courses

Late Stage

As you reach the later stages of your job search, many people often identify a few key skills they need to gain to be eligible to move into the ideal role. Therefore this is where online learning platforms and course marketplaces can help.

Skills platforms are online learning platforms that offer courses on a wide range of topics. They generally have a focus on job-related skills such as coding, data analysis, and project management.

Course marketplaces are platforms that allow you to buy and sell courses, where anyone can learn something from other people. They generally have a wider range of courses than skills platforms, including both job-related and non job-related courses.

The largest online skills and courses marketplace, with the widest range of big and small courses, is Udemy.

Udemy offers courses on topics such as app development, online marketing and design. They also have a wide range of non job-related courses, such as cooking, yoga, and photography. Their platform is very user-friendly and they often have sales where courses are heavily discounted.

Another popular skills platform is Coursera. Coursera offers job-related courses on topics such as computer programming, data analysis, and project management. Their courses are generally more expensive than Udemy but they offer discounts for annual membership. Coursera's programs are mostly designed by universities rather than experts in the field like on Udemy.

If you want to explore the many skills platforms further, I recommend checking out our review on the 10 Best Career Tools.

5) CV Layout & Writing Platforms

Final Stage

CV writing is daunting but important when looking for work. It's one of those things that you know you need to do but it feels like a huge task. And it is a huge task! Your CV is essentially your professional story and it needs to be clear, concise, and interesting. It is your call sign. You need the right CV to get the best chance at an interview, so the details matter.

A good CV is the difference between being noticed and being ignored by your dream company. There are loads of different opinions on how to write the best CV. Luckily there are also platforms out there that can help you. CV writing platforms will give you tips, examples, and templates to help you write the perfect CV.

Check out the 15 Best CV Layout & Formatting Tips.

What is a good CV writing platform to help find a job?

One popular CV writing platform is Resume Genius. Resume Genius offers a wide range of CV templates and tips on how to write each section of your CV. They also have a handy CV builder tool that allows you to create your CV step-by-step.

Another popular platform is VisualCV. VisualCV also offers a wide range of CV templates and tips on how to write each section of your CV. However, their main selling point is their online CV builder which allows you to create an interactive and visually appealing CV.  

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

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