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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 5 2023

I Don't Know What Job I Want! Best 4 Things To Do Next

When it comes to making a career change, many of us find ourselves stuck in a rut asking the same question: "I don't know what job I want." It's an overwhelming feeling that can leave you frustrated and overwhelmed. The truth is, there are lots of options available for those looking to make a career switch - but how do you go about finding one? We'll look at some key steps on your journey when you don't know what job or career path would be best for you.

We'll explore topics like identifying your strengths and interests, understanding the 'happiest' careers out there and ways to identify potential second-career paths. Finally, we will discuss how to find the perfect fit by exploring different opportunities until something resonates with who YOU are. So if you're wondering "I don't know what job I want," let's take these first steps together.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

First Steps When You Don't Know What Job Or Career You Want

When you don't know what job or career you want, it can be overwhelming and intimidating. But with the right approach, you can find a fulfilling path that works for you. Here are some first steps to take when considering a career change:

1. Identify Your Strengths & Interests:

Take an honest look at your skills and interests to determine what type of work would best suit your strengths and passions. Think about activities that make you feel energized, as well as tasks that come easily to you—these could be clues into potential careers or industries where you'd excel.

2. Research Different Career Paths:

Once you have identified areas of interest, do some research on different jobs within those fields. Read up on job descriptions, required qualifications, salary ranges, and other important details so that you can decide if they’re worth pursuing further. You may also want to reach out to professionals in the field who can provide additional insight into their day-to-day experiences working in the industry or role in question.

3. Consider Education Requirements & Training Opportunities:

If there is a particular job or career path that stands out from your research but requires certain educational credentials or certifications before applying for positions, consider taking classes online or enrolling in a degree program at a local college or university if feasible for your situation (e.g., budget constraints). Additionally, many employers offer training programs designed specifically for individuals looking to switch careers; these opportunities often provide hands-on experience while giving participants valuable contacts within their desired industry/field of work.

4. Networking

Networking is key when exploring new career paths. Connect with people who are already established in the field; ask them questions about their journey, get advice on how they broke into their current roles, etc. This will give you more clarity around whether this is something worth pursuing long-term.

Take the time to reflect on what makes you happy and what kind of job would best suit your skills, interests, and values. With this knowledge in hand, you can begin exploring potential careers that will bring you joy and fulfilment - so let's dive into understanding how to find the happiest career for you.

Key Takeaway: Take an honest look at your skills and interests, research different career paths, and consider educational requirements and training opportunities to find a fulfilling job or career path. Networking is key when exploring new options.

What Is The Happiest Career?

What Makes A Career Happy?

Finding a career that makes you happy is not an easy task. It requires careful consideration of your skills, interests, and values. To determine what kind of job would make you happiest, ask yourself the following questions:

• What do I enjoy doing?

• What are my strengths and weaknesses?

• Do I want to work with people or alone?

• Am I looking for a high-paying job or something more fulfilling?

Once you have answered these questions honestly, it will be easier to narrow down your options and find the right career path for you.

Factors That Make A Job Satisfying And Fulfilling

When considering which type of job would make you happiest, there are several factors to consider. These include salary potential, growth opportunities within the field, level of responsibility and autonomy in decision making as well as work/life balance. If any one factor is missing from your ideal job description then it may not be the best fit for long-term happiness. Additionally, having meaningful relationships with colleagues can also play an important role in overall satisfaction with a job or career choice.

Types Of Careers That Can Lead To Happiness

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what makes them feel fulfilled on a daily basis. Therefore, exploring different types of careers until finding one that fits all criteria is key.

No matter what career you choose, the most important thing is to make sure it makes you happy. With that in mind, let's look at what a good second career could be for you.

Key Takeaway: Finding a career that makes you happy requires honest self-reflection, considering your skills, interests and values. Additionally, salary potential, growth opportunities and work life balance should be taken into account when exploring different types of careers until finding one that fits all criteria.

What Is A Good Second Career For Me?

Evaluate Your Skills and Interests

When considering a second career, it is important to evaluate your skills and interests. What do you enjoy doing? What have you been successful at in the past? Take some time to think about what makes you unique and how that could be applied to a new career path. Consider taking an aptitude test or talking with a career coach for help assessing your strengths and weaknesses.

Make A Plan

Making a plan is essential when transitioning from one career path to another. Set realistic goals based on where you currently are versus where you want/need to be professionally speaking; this includes both short-term objectives (e.g., obtaining certifications) as well as long-term ones (e.g., earning promotions). 

Also consider any financial implications associated with making such changes – whether it’s going back school part-time while still working full-time or relocating for better job prospects – so that there aren't any surprises down the line if things don't work out exactly as planned initially.

Get Started & Stay Motivated

Now comes the hard part - actually getting started. It can feel overwhelming trying something completely new, but remember why this change was necessary in the first place and use that motivation when times get tough during transition period between jobs/careers. 

Don't forget all of research done prior - use resources available like mentorships, online courses, internships, volunteer positions etc. to gain experience before jumping right into a new role. Finally, stay positive throughout the process; even though it may take longer than expected success is within reach.

Assess Your Skills and Interests

The first step in finding a good second career is to assess your skills and interests. Think about what you are passionate about, what comes naturally to you, and what makes you feel fulfilled. Consider the types of tasks that energize you and make time fly by when working on them. Make a list of all these qualities so that it's easier for you to narrow down potential careers.

Research Potential Careers

Once you have identified your skills and interests, research potential careers that match them. Look into job descriptions, educational requirements, salary ranges, advancement opportunities, etc., for each one. This will help give you an idea of whether or not this could be a viable option for your next career move. 

Look into industries where there may be more job openings than others due to current trends or market demands; this can also help guide your decision-making process.

Network with Professionals in Your Field

Networking is key when looking for a new career path. Reach out to professionals who work in the field(s) that interest you most - ask questions about their experience in the industry as well as any advice they might have regarding how best to break into it yourself (e.g., certifications needed). You never know who might have helpful insight or connections which could prove invaluable during your search.

Take Advantage Of Job Search Resources

If you're unsure of what your ideal career should be, consider researching potential job options and assessing your skills to find a good second career for yourself. Next, learn how to narrow down these possibilities and identify the best fit for you with our guide on how to find a career you love.

Key Takeaway: Evaluate your skills and interests, research potential careers, make a plan and get started to successfully navigate a career change. List key steps: 1) Evaluate skills & interests; 2) Research potential careers; 3) Make a plan; 4) Get started & stay motivated.

How Do I Find A Career I Love?

Assess Your Interests and Skills

Are you an analytical thinker or a creative one? Do you prefer working with people or on your own? What are the skills that come naturally to you, and which ones do you need to work on? Taking time to assess your interests and skills can help narrow down potential career paths. Consider taking a personality test like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to gain insight into how your traits may be best suited for certain types of jobs.

Develop A Plan Of Action

Now that you have narrowed down potential career paths based on your interests and research findings, it’s time to develop a plan of action for making the transition from where you are now into the new role or industry. Think about what steps need to be taken such as getting additional training or certification courses, networking with people in those industries, updating resumes/CVs accordingly etc., so that when the opportunity arises for a position within these areas of interest –you’re ready.

Take The Leap Of Faith

Making changes can be scary but also exciting at times. Once all necessary preparations have been made, take that leap of faith towards finding a career path that brings joy and fulfilment instead of dreading going into work every morning. It might not happen overnight, but by being proactive in researching options available out there, it could lead to discovering something amazing along this journey.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: Take time to assess your interests and skills, research potential careers thoroughly, develop a plan of action for transitioning into the new role industry, and take the leap of faith when you’re ready.


What to do when you don't know what job you want?

However, there are steps that can help you figure out the right path for your future. First, take some time to reflect on what skills and interests you have that could be used in different roles or industries. Next, research potential jobs and companies to get an idea of what is available in the market. 

Finally, talk with people who have experience in various fields to gain insight into their experiences and advice on how best to transition into a new role. With these steps, you will be able to identify potential career paths that align with your skillset and passions so that you can make an informed decision about which job is right for you.

Is it normal to not know what job you want?

Absolutely. It is completely normal to not know what job you want. Feeling lost and in over your head is common. Everyone's career journey is different and it can take time to figure out the right path for you. You may have many interests or skills that could lead you in multiple directions, so don't be discouraged if it takes some exploration and trial-and-error before finding your ideal job. 

Career coaching services can help guide you through this process by providing advice on how to identify potential jobs, create a plan of action, and develop the necessary skills needed for success.

How do I choose a career with no passion?

Choosing a career without passion can be difficult, but it is possible. Start by assessing your skills and interests to identify what you are good at and enjoy doing. Then research potential careers that match these criteria. Consider the type of environment you would like to work in, the salary range for different roles, and any other important factors such as location or hours worked. 

Finally, reach out to professionals already working in those fields for advice on how to break into them and get experience. With patience and dedication, you can find a career that fits your needs even if it isn’t one that excites you with passion initially.


If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know what job or career you want, it can be difficult to take the first steps. But with some guidance and self-reflection, you can find a career that brings you joy and fulfilment. Consider your passions, skills, values, interests, and lifestyle when exploring different options for a new career path. 

Take time to research potential jobs in detail so that you make an informed decision about which one is right for you. With the right resources and support system in place, there is no limit to what kind of success you can achieve in your new job - even if “i don't know what job i want” was your starting point.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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