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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 5 2023

Unlock Your Dream Career: How to Find a Career You Love

It can be daunting to explore the unknown, especially when you don't know what other jobs might work for you. But with careful consideration of what is important to you, researching different paths available, and setting priorities that align with your values – finding a career that you love may not be so far away.

That being said, when you're thinking "how do I find a career I love", the answer lies within yourself. By taking the time to identify your passions and interests while exploring possible options out there; chances are good that you will come across an opportunity where everything clicks into place.

We'll discuss how best to go about doing just that - from understanding who you are at present day all the way through discovering what sort of path would make for meaningful work long-term. So let’s get started on figuring out whether or not “do I find a career i love” is truly achievable.

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Identify Your Passions and Interests

Identifying your passions and interests is an important step in any career change. It can help you determine which direction to take, what skills you need to develop, and how best to utilise your talents.

Start by reflecting on activities that bring you joy. Think about hobbies or pastimes that make time fly for you. Are there topics or areas of study that fascinate you? What do friends come to you for advice on? These are all clues as to what kind of work might be a good fit for your personality and interests.

Take some time to consider the skills that come naturally to you. Do people often comment on how organised or creative or detail-oriented you are? Make a list of these strengths so they’re top-of-mind when researching potential job opportunities.

It can also be helpful to look at the jobs held by people who inspire you—whether it’s family members, mentors, colleagues, or celebrities—and think about why their careers appeal to them (and potentially could appeal to you). If possible, reach out and ask questions about their experiences with different roles; this can give valuable insight into whether certain paths would be right for your own journey.

Finally, if possible try experimenting with new activities outside of work: take classes related to something interesting; volunteer in an area related but different from what you already know; attend networking events in industries where you don't have experience yet; shadow someone whose job looks intriguing; even just read books written by experts in various fields. All these things will help broaden your perspective and open up possibilities beyond those currently within reach.

By exploring your passions and interests, you can gain insight into what type of career would be most fulfilling for you. Now it's time to look at your values and explore how they might impact the decision-making process when it comes to finding a career that you love.

Key Takeaway: Take time to reflect on activities that bring you joy and identify your strengths, look at inspiring people's jobs, and try new things outside of work to find a career you love.

Explore Your Values

When it comes to making a career change, exploring your values is essential. Your values are the things that matter most to you in life and they should be taken into consideration when choosing a new career path. It’s important to understand what motivates you and drives your decisions so that you can make sure the job you choose aligns with those values.


Take some time for self-reflection and ask yourself questions like “What do I value most?” or “What kind of work environment would make me happiest?” Consider how much autonomy or flexibility you need in order to feel fulfilled in your work. Are there certain benefits or perks that are important to you? Do any particular causes or organisations resonate with you? Taking an honest look at these questions will help guide your decision-making process as you explore different career paths.

Prioritise What Matters Most

Once you have identified what matters most, prioritise those elements when researching potential jobs. Make sure the job offers enough of what is important to keep up motivation and satisfaction over time. 

For example, if having flexible hours is high on your list of priorities, look for positions that offer remote working options or part-time schedules. If giving back is something close to your heart, research companies with strong corporate social responsibility programs or volunteer opportunities within their organisation.

Don't Sacrifice Too Much

It's also important not to sacrifice too much just because a job looks appealing on paper but doesn't quite match up with all of your core values; this could lead to burnout down the line. When considering different roles, think about which ones fit best overall rather than simply taking whatever seems available at first glance; this way, chances are higher that it will be a better long-term fit for both parties involved.

Once you have identified your values, it's time to prioritise them and determine what matters most in a career. Choose Your Priorities to get started on the journey of finding a career that aligns with your values.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: When making a career change, take the time to reflect on what matters most and prioritise those elements when researching potential jobs. Make sure not to sacrifice too much for an appealing job that doesn't match up with your values - it could lead to burnout in the long run.

Choose Your Priorities

When making a career change, it is important to choose your priorities. Knowing what you want out of your new job will help guide the decisions you make and ensure that you are on the right path.

First, identify what matters most to you in a job. Consider factors such as salary, work-life balance, location, and company culture. Think about how each factor affects your overall happiness and satisfaction with the job. For example, if having flexible hours is important to you then look for jobs that offer this benefit or ones where telecommuting is an option.

Next, determine which skills are necessary for success in the position. Make sure these match up with your current skill set so that you can hit the ground running when starting in a new role. Additionally consider any additional training or certifications needed to qualify for certain positions or promotions down the line.

Finally decide which industries interest you most and research potential employers within those fields thoroughly before applying for any positions or attending interviews You should also take into account whether there are opportunities available in those industries near where you live or if relocation may be required depending on where they have openings at present time . This way ,you can make sure that all of your needs are met while still pursuing a career path that interests and excites you .

By taking some time to think through these questions beforehand, you will be better prepared when it comes time to start looking for jobs. By knowing exactly what type of position would best suit both your professional goals as well as personal lifestyle preferences, it will become much easier to narrow down options until finding one perfect fit.

Prioritising what is important to you in a career can help you find the right fit for your goals and values. Once you have identified your priorities, it's time to start researching different career paths that may be available to you.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career change, it's important to identify what matters most to you in a job and determine which skills are necessary for success. Research potential employers thoroughly and take into account whether there are opportunities available near where you live. This will help narrow down options until finding the perfect fit.

Research Different Career Paths

Researching different career paths is an important step in navigating a successful career change. It’s essential to understand the job descriptions, salary ranges, educational requirements and other qualifications for each potential career path before making any decisions.

Start by exploring your passions and interests. What activities do you enjoy? What topics interest you? Are there any hobbies or skills that you would like to turn into a profession? Take some time to reflect on what makes you happy and consider how it could be applied in the workplace.

Once you have identified your passions and interests, explore your values. Do certain jobs align with your personal beliefs or goals? Is there something specific that motivates or drives you when it comes to work? Consider which aspects of a job are most important to you - such as flexibility, creativity, stability or security - so that these can be taken into account when researching potential careers.

Choose your priorities based on what matters most to you in terms of lifestyle and professional satisfaction. For example, if having more free time is important then look for roles with flexible hours; if money is key then research salaries; if travel opportunities appeal then investigate companies offering international placements etc Once these priorities have been established they should help guide the direction of further research into different career paths.

The next step is researching those potential careers thoroughly using online resources such as industry websites and forums where people discuss their experiences within various professions - this will provide valuable insight into working life within each field of interest. Look at job descriptions closely - what tasks will need completing daily/weekly/monthly etc.? 

Also check out educational requirements - do qualifications need updating prior to applying for positions? Find out about average salaries (both entry-level and experienced) plus any additional benefits associated with particular roles (e.g., health insurance). All this information will give an indication as to whether a certain role may suit both professionally and personally before committing fully down one route.

Key Takeaway: When looking for a career you love, research your passions and interests, consider which values are important to you in the workplace, and thoroughly research potential careers using online resources. Make sure to check job descriptions, educational requirements, salaries and benefits before committing.


How do I find a job I love doing?

Finding a job you love doing can be a daunting task. However, with the right guidance and resources, it is possible to find meaningful work that brings joy and fulfilment. Start by reflecting on your interests, skills, values and goals in order to identify potential career paths. Research these fields thoroughly so you have an understanding of what’s involved before taking the plunge. 

Networking is also key; use online platforms or attend events related to your chosen field in order to meet people who can provide advice and insight into the industry. Finally, don't be afraid to take risks - try out different roles or volunteer opportunities until you find something that resonates with you.

How do you find a career that makes you happy?

Finding a career that makes you happy requires taking the time to understand your interests, values, and skills. Start by reflecting on what you enjoy doing and what motivates you. Consider how your current job aligns with these qualities. If it doesn't match up, research different career paths that do. 

Take advantage of online resources like job postings or networking sites to explore potential options. Finally, reach out to professionals in those fields for advice and insight into their experiences. With some self-reflection and exploration, you can find a career path that is both fulfilling and rewarding.


Finding a career you love is an important decision that requires thoughtful consideration. By taking the time to identify your passions and interests, explore your values, choose your priorities, and research different career paths, you can make an informed decision about which career path will bring you the most satisfaction.

With dedication and hard work, it's possible to find a job that aligns with what matters most to you so that you can do what you love every day. Remember: if there’s something out there that truly excites or motivates you—no matter how difficult it may seem—you owe it to yourself to pursue it. After all, life is too short not to do what we love.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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