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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 22 2023

Uncover What Career Counsellors Do to Help You Reach Your Goals!

Career counsellors offer more than just advice and guidance; they can provide an invaluable resource in assisting individuals to make successful transitions between careers. They can help you identify your career goals, explore the options available to you, develop strategies for success, and support your job search process.

A career counsellor can be a great asset in the process of switching professions, due to their experience as career advisors aiding people through such transitions. From understanding what drives you professionally to developing an action plan that will get results - career counsellors do it all.

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Identifying Career Goals

Career counselling can be an immensely advantageous aid for those desiring to shift their profession. Career counsellors help individuals identify their goals and objectives, which in turn helps them make informed decisions about their future.

The first step is to take stock of the individual’s current situation. This includes assessing skills, qualifications, interests and values as well as any external factors that may impact job choices such as location or family commitments. Once the current state is evaluated, constructing a plan for what lies ahead becomes more feasible.

Next comes goal setting - this involves exploring what kind of job would best suit the individual’s needs and aspirations both short-term and long-term. It could mean considering new industries or roles that weren’t previously on the radar; or taking a closer look at existing skillsets to see how these could be applied in different ways within an industry already familiar with them. Goals should also include non-career related elements such as lifestyle preferences – for example whether remote working might be desirable or if relocating would offer more opportunities than staying put.

Once ambitions have been pinpointed, it's time to commence delving into the potential alternatives. This could involve scouring online resources such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Indeed; participating in networking events; consulting with colleagues who are in similar lines of work; pursuing further education if necessary; or volunteering - all of which can help build an understanding of what's out there and provide a better sense for which direction will best suit when making plans for career advancement (or diversification).

Finally, once options have been explored strategies need to be developed around how best to pursue chosen paths. This includes everything from perfecting CVs and cover letters, polishing up interview techniques, and deciding when and how often applications should go out each week so momentum isn't lost along the way. The key here is not just knowing what you want but having realistic expectations about your own capabilities coupled with tangible steps towards achieving desired outcomes; after all, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Establishing aspirations in one's professional life is a key component of transitioning to an alternate vocation effectively. Exploring options can help to further refine those goals and ensure that you are taking steps towards your desired outcome.

Exploring Options

Considering a career change presents multiple opportunities, from further education to retraining or even starting your own business. From further education to retraining or even starting your own business, the possibilities can seem endless. However, it’s important to take into account what will best suit your skills and interests before making any decisions. That’s where career counsellors come in – they provide invaluable guidance when exploring different options for a successful career transition.

For those seeking to further their qualifications, continuing education offers a wealth of potential pathways. Whether it's enrolling in college courses or taking up short-term classes online, gaining extra qualifications can open doors to new opportunities and help set yourself apart from other job seekers.


For those looking for something completely different from their current role but don't have the necessary qualifications or experience yet - retraining is often a great choice. Retraining involves learning new skills related to another profession and allows individuals to start fresh with an entirely new skill set without having to go back through years of study.

For those feeling bold and ambitious, why not explore the possibility of launching your own enterprise? It takes courage and determination but if done right it can be incredibly rewarding both professionally and financially. A good place to start is researching potential ideas that match your interests as well as assessing how viable they are in terms of market demand etc., This way you'll know whether investing time into this venture is worth it or not.

Overall, when considering a career change there are plenty of options out there depending on individual needs - making consulting with experienced professionals like career counsellors so beneficial. They can provide tailored advice based on personal goals and aspirations, helping to ensure success during the transition process no matter what route is chosen.

Investigating potentials is the opening move to determining a vocation way that most intently aligns with your inclinations and capacities. Developing strategies can help you create an action plan for success in this new journey.

Key Takeaway: Career advisors can be of great help when deciding on the best course for a successful job change, such as further education, re-training or even launching your own enterprise. They offer tailored advice based on personal goals and aspirations to help ensure you don't miss a beat in the transition process - they're an absolute must-have.

Developing Strategies

Developing Strategies is a crucial part of the career change process. It is essential to comprehend that it is not merely sufficient to possess a thought of what one wishes to do, or where they desire their career trajectory to go; instead, this necessitates strategic organisation and implementation. Here are some strategies for achieving your desired goals:

Creating A Resume:

Your resume is the first thing potential employers will see when considering you for a job opportunity. Make sure yours stands out by highlighting all relevant skills and experiences as well as any special qualifications or certifications that could give you an edge over other applicants.


Networking with people in your field can be incredibly beneficial when looking for new opportunities. Reach out to professionals who may have insight into available positions, or even provide advice on how best to pursue them. Consider joining professional organizations related to your industry, attending conferences, connecting through social media platforms such as LinkedIn, and asking friends and family if they know anyone who might be able to help with leads on jobs or internships.

Research Potential Employers:

Once you've identified possible employers, make sure to research their background thoroughly so that you can demonstrate a knowledge of their mission statement and values during interviews – this shows initiative. Additionally, look into company culture by reading reviews from current employees on sites like Glassdoor; this information can help inform decisions about whether a particular employer is right for you based on factors like work-life balance and compensation structure.

As mentioned before, preparing for an interview should involve researching the company but also practicing common questions ahead of time so that nerves don't get the better of you during actual conversations with recruiters or hiring managers. This includes both answering typical questions (such as “tell me about yourself”) as well as coming up with thoughtful inquiries about potential roles within the organisation (for example “what challenges does this position face?”). In addition, practice active listening techniques such as making eye contact while speaking in order to convey confidence and show respect towards whoever is interviewing you. Little things can have a big impact.

Formulating tactics is an essential element of a triumphant job transition, and with the correct backing it can be attained. Moving on to the next step in this process, we will look at how job search can be supported for those looking to make a transition into their desired field.

Key Takeaway: Career advisors assist those transitioning to a new job by furnishing tactics such as formulating an attention-grabbing CV, connecting with industry experts and investigating potential employers. They also offer advice on how to ace interviews by being prepared and engaging in active listening techniques. All these steps can make or break one's success when pursuing new opportunities.

Supporting Job Search

Job-seeking can be a daunting task, particularly when changing to an alternative profession. A career counsellor can provide invaluable support during this time by helping job seekers navigate the job search and prepare for interviews.

One of the most important services that a career counsellor provides is assistance with applications. This includes reviewing resumes and cover letters to ensure they are tailored to each position and highlighting relevant skills or experiences. Career counsellors may also help applicants craft answers to common interview questions or practice mock interviews so they feel more prepared on the day of their actual interview.

Another way in which a career counsellor supports job seekers is through providing feedback on their application materials, such as resumes and cover letters. They will look for ways to make them stand out from other applicants, suggest changes that could improve readability or clarity, or point out any potential errors that could hurt an applicant’s chances of getting hired. With this advice, job seekers can create compelling documents that showcase their strengths while also addressing any weaknesses they may have in terms of experience or qualifications.

Finally, career counselling sessions often include guidance on interviewing techniques such as the importance of body language and how to best respond to certain types of questions posed by employers. Additionally, they may provide advice on what topics should be avoided during an interview in order to make a favourable impression and bolster one's chances of securing the desired role.

Ultimately, having someone experienced in navigating these processes by your side makes it easier for you to start off on the right foot and gives you confidence going into your next big opportunity.

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Career counsellors do more than just provide job search advice. Career counsellors are knowledgeable experts who can assist you in recognising your professional objectives, examining prospects and devising plans to reach them. 

A career counsellor can be a valuable resource in helping you maximise any chance that arises and increasing your prospects of transitioning smoothly into another area or sector. Though it may not guarantee a job, career counselling can provide beneficial guidance in how to proceed with assurance and trust.

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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