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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 9 2023

How to Get The Most Out Of Career Coaching For Good Results

Are you considering a career change and feeling overwhelmed? Career coaching can help. It's an invaluable tool that can provide support, guidance, advice and direction to job seekers as they explore their options. 

The key is to get the most out of career coaching by having clearly defined goals, asking questions, staying open-minded about potential opportunities, taking action when appropriate and following up with your coach. Read on for more information on how to make the most of this important resource in your journey towards finding meaningful work.

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Identify Your Goals

It is important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve from your career coaching sessions. Before you start, take some time to reflect on your current situation and identify the goals that you would like to accomplish through this process. Ask yourself questions such as: What do I hope to gain from my career coaching experience? What are my long-term objectives? How can I make sure that I am making progress towards these goals?

Once you have identified your objectives, it is important to be realistic about them. Consider factors such as the amount of time and effort required for achieving each goal, any potential obstacles in the way, and whether or not they are achievable within a reasonable timeframe. It may also be helpful to break down larger goals into smaller steps so that they become more manageable.

When setting out your goals, try not to limit yourself too much – think outside the box. You never know where this journey could lead you if you allow yourself room for exploration and experimentation. Don’t be afraid of taking risks or trying something new; after all, it’s only through stepping out of our comfort zone that we can truly grow and develop ourselves professionally.

Finally, remember that there will likely be times when things don’t go according to plan or when progress feels slow - but don't give up. Dedication and perseverance can lead to success; by regularly revisiting your original objectives throughout the course of your career coaching sessions, you can ensure that even small successes count towards reaching those bigger aspirations in life.

Once you have identified your goals, take the time to research and understand what it takes to reach them. This will help you ask the right questions when engaging with a career coach for guidance.

Key Takeaway: Set realistic goals, think outside the box and don't give up - small successes can lead to bigger aspirations.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is a key part of any successful career coaching session. It’s important to be prepared with questions before your session, so that you can get the most out of your coach’s advice. Questions should be specific and tailored to your individual needs and goals.

Questions about Your Goals:

Start by asking yourself what kind of job or career you want to pursue. What skills do you need for this role? What experience do you have in this field? How will it fit into your lifestyle? Asking these types of questions will help narrow down the possibilities and give you an idea of where to start looking for jobs or internships.

Questions about Your Strengths:

Knowing what makes you unique is essential when navigating a career change. Ask yourself what strengths make up who you are as a professional—what sets you apart from other candidates? Are there any special skills or experiences that could benefit potential employers? Answering these kinds of questions can help identify areas where further development may be necessary, as well as highlight qualities that make you stand out from the competition.

Questions about Your Network:

Who do know who might have insight into the industry or profession that interests you? Who has been successful in similar roles and can provide valuable advice on how they achieved their success? Reaching out to people within your network can open doors for new opportunities and provide invaluable guidance throughout your journey towards finding meaningful work.

Do some research on resources available in order to find more information on different industries, professions, companies etc. Are there organisations offering training programs related to fields that interest you? 

Are there mentorships available through your current employer or educational institution which could help expand your knowledge base while providing useful contacts within certain industries/professions you are interested in pursuing further down the line? Asking these types of questions will help uncover hidden gems which could potentially lead to great opportunities.

Asking questions is a great way to get the most out of career coaching. It allows you to gain insight into your situation and understand how best to move forward. Now, let's look at how being open-minded can help you make the most of this process.

Key Takeaway: Career coaching can help job seekers navigate a career change by asking specific, tailored questions about goals, strengths and networks. Make sure to research resources available for more information on industries, professions and companies.

Be Open-Minded

When it comes to a career change, being open-minded is essential. It’s important to consider new ideas and perspectives that may be different from what you originally had in mind for your career path.

Being open-minded can help you gain insight into potential opportunities that could lead to greater success and satisfaction in the long run. Don’t limit yourself by assuming something won’t work out before even giving it a chance. Instead, try exploring options outside of your comfort zone or industry that might provide more fulfilment or better job security than what you currently have.

It's also beneficial to take advice from others who are knowledgeable about the field or industry you're considering transitioning into. They can offer valuable insights on how best to approach this transition and make sure you don't miss any important steps along the way. 

Ask questions about their experience, research resources available online, attend seminars or workshops related to the topic if possible – all these activities will give you an edge when making decisions regarding your future career path.

Be aware of any biases that may influence your decision-making process as well; they could prevent you from seeing certain possibilities which would otherwise benefit your professional growth in some way down the line. Consider all sides of an issue before coming up with a conclusion so that no stone is left unturned during this journey towards finding success in a new field or profession.

Finally, follow up on leads whenever possible and keep track of contacts made during networking events. These connections could come in handy later on if need be. Be proactive when researching potential employers as well; find out what kind of culture they have and whether there are any openings within their organisation which match your skillset perfectly. Such efforts will go a long way towards helping you land the perfect job opportunity for yourself.

Being open-minded to new possibilities and ideas is essential when considering a career change. Taking action on the advice you receive from your coach is the next step in making that change happen.

Key Takeaway: Be open-minded, take advice from knowledgeable sources, and follow up on leads to get the most out of career coaching. List: 1) Be open-minded; 2) Take advice from knowledgeable sources; 3) Follow up on leads.

Take Action

Making a career change can be intimidating, but taking action is the only way to make it happen. Taking the advice of your coach and using it as a guide for making decisions about your career path is essential. Start by asking yourself questions like: What are my skills? What do I want out of my new job? How will this new job fit into my life?

Once you have an idea of what you’re looking for, start researching potential jobs that meet those criteria. Take advantage of online resources such as LinkedIn or Indeed to search for open positions in your desired field. Reach out to people who work in the industry and ask them questions about their experience. This can help give you insight into whether or not this type of job would be a good fit for you.

After submitting your application, don't forget to follow up. This demonstrates that you are serious about the position and shows initiative on your part; two qualities which employers highly value. Taking the time to research a company before applying can also be beneficial as it allows you to tailor each application specifically for that job, something employers appreciate.

Finally, once you land an interview, prepare ahead of time by researching common interview questions related to the role so that you know how best to answer them during the actual interview process itself. Being prepared also helps reduce stress levels going into interviews since it gives candidates more confidence knowing they already have answers ready should any difficult questions arise during their conversation with hiring managers or recruiters.

Overall, taking action towards achieving one's career goals is key if one wants success in finding a fulfilling job that meets both their needs and desires; so don't wait around too long before getting started on this journey.

Taking action is the key to success when it comes to navigating a career change. By following up on the advice and guidance given by your career coach, you can make sure that you are taking the right steps towards achieving your goals.

Key Takeaway: To get the most out of career coaching, research potential jobs, follow up after submitting an application, tailor each application to the job and prepare for interviews by researching common questions.

Follow Up

Following up with your career coach is an important step in navigating a successful career change. It helps to ensure that you are on track and making progress towards achieving your goals. After each session, take some time to reflect on what was discussed and any changes or adjustments that need to be made. Ask yourself questions such as: What did I learn? What action steps do I need to take? How can I apply this information moving forward?

It’s also important to follow up with your coach after each session. This will give you the opportunity to review progress, discuss any changes or adjustments that may be needed, and ask any additional questions you may have about the process. Your coach can provide valuable insight into how best to approach certain situations or tasks related to your job search, so it’s essential that you stay in contact with them throughout the entire process.

Follow-up conversations should also include topics like networking opportunities, resume tips, interview advice, salary negotiation strategies and more. Additionally, if there were specific resources recommended during the coaching session (such as books or websites), make sure you look into those further before meeting again with your coach for another session so that they can help guide you through them if necessary.

Finally, following up regularly allows both parties involved (you and your coach) to stay accountable for their commitments while helping ensure success in reaching desired outcomes within a reasonable timeframe - which is ultimately what we all want. So, don't forget: following up after every coaching session is key when it comes time for transitioning careers.

Key Takeaway: Follow up with your career coach after each session to review progress, discuss changes or adjustments needed and ask additional questions. Make sure you look into resources recommended during the coaching session before meeting again. Stay in contact with your coach throughout the process to ensure success in reaching desired outcomes.


What should I talk about with my career coach?

When talking to a career coach, it is important to discuss your current job situation and the type of career change you are looking for. Consider discussing your skillset, experience, interests, and goals in order to help the coach understand what kind of role or industry would be best suited for you.

Ask questions about different types of jobs that may fit your criteria as well as any potential challenges or opportunities that come with such changes. Finally, talk through strategies on how to network effectively and make yourself stand out when applying for new roles. With this information in hand, a career coach can provide tailored advice on how best to navigate a successful transition into a new field.

How do I prepare for a career coaching session?

Preparing for a career coaching session is essential to getting the most out of it. First, make sure you have an understanding of your current skills and experience, as well as what kind of job or career you would like to pursue. Secondly, research potential roles that match your interests and skillset. Thirdly, create a list of questions that will help guide the conversation with your coach during the session. Finally, be open-minded and honest about where you are in life so that together with your coach you can come up with realistic goals and actionable steps towards achieving them.


Career coaching can be a great way to help you make the most of your career change. By taking the time to identify your goals, ask questions, stay open-minded and take action, you can get the most out of career coaching and achieve success in your new career path. 

Don't forget to follow up with your coach as well so that they can provide additional guidance along the way. With dedication and commitment, you'll be able to get the most out of career coaching and reach all of your professional goals.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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