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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 23 2023

Time to Change Career from Teaching? How to Change Successfully

Are you seeking a new career path after being an educator? Overcoming the fear of such a major shift can be daunting, but it is achievable with determination and the right strategies. 

With the right skills and priorities identified, you can successfully move from teaching into another field of work that better suits your goals. In this blog post we will discuss how changing careers from teaching is possible with the help of identifying transferable skills, setting clear priorities, brainstorming options and ideas, researching potential paths and taking action now.

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Identify Your Best Transferable Skills

Identifying and highlighting your transferable abilities can be the key to unlocking potential job opportunities and finding the right fit for you.

Transferable skills are those that can be taken from one job or field and applied in another. They help demonstrate that you have the capabilities, experience and understanding necessary for success when pursuing new roles. Common transferable skills include communication, time management, problem solving, organisation and leadership – all of which can be demonstrated through various experiences in both your professional and personal life.

The first step in identifying your transferable skills is to take an honest look at yourself – what have been some of the successes and challenges that you have faced over the years? Think about any awards or qualifications that you have gained as well as tasks or projects where you felt particularly proud of your work. Teachers and former teachers are often very good at presenting and negotiating - obviously!  This kind of self-assessment will give you a better idea of what skills and competencies you already possess.

Next, reflect on times where you had to learn something new – whether it was adapting to new technology or teaching yourself how to do something completely different. Being able to switch gears quickly shows employers that not only are you able to pick up new information but also use previously established knowledge in new contexts.

Lastly, imagine yourself working in other roles - jot down qualities such as initiative, creativity or attention-to-detail which may be necessary when entering unfamiliar positions within different industries. Doing this exercise regularly will help broaden your understanding on how certain situations call for different sets of skills which is vital when transitioning into a new role.

Identifying our transferable skills is essential if we want to be successful when switching between careers or industries, so it’s important we take the time to really assess ourselves and recognise all the great capabilities we possess!

Key Takeaway: Making a successful career change from teaching requires taking stock of what you value, brainstorming options and ideas, researching potential paths in-depth, and finally taking action to reach your goals. It's important to not be afraid to start small as progress is made with consistent steps towards the end goal.

List Your Priorities

Prioritising your goals is essential when contemplating a career change; thus, evaluating salary, benefits, hours, location, company culture and growth opportunities should be considered. Rank your goals in order of importance to help determine which job opportunities and employers meet your needs. Consider things like salary, benefits, hours, location, company culture, and potential for growth. Rank your desired job elements, such as salary, benefits, hours, location and company culture in terms of importance to help you evaluate potential employers.

Finding Your Passion

It’s also essential to consider what kind of work will make you happy. If money is a priority but passion isn’t there won't be much satisfaction down the line—and that could lead to even more changes further on. Take some time to reflect on activities and tasks that bring joy into your life; this could provide valuable insight into where your true passions lie. 

Whether it's something related to the industry you're currently working in or something completely different altogether—listening to yourself is key when making such an impactful decision as changing careers.

Mapping Out A Plan

Once you have identified both practical priorities and personal interests it's time to create a plan of action. Researching companies in industries related either directly or indirectly with those interests can help narrow down options quickly while allowing for maximum flexibility should unexpected opportunities arise during the process.

Creating timelines and setting deadlines for yourself can keep motivation high throughout this journey by providing structure along the way - just remember not every goal has an expiration date so don't forget about any big picture ideas.

Compiling a register of your priorities can help to sharpen attention on the facets of a job transition that are most essential for you. By brainstorming options and ideas, it is possible to gain clarity on what direction best suits your needs.

Key Takeaway: To make a successful career change, it is essential to identify your objectives and discern what excites you. Mapping out a plan of action that takes into account both practical priorities and personal interests is the key to success - take some time to figure out where your heart lies so you can hit the ground running with confidence.

Brainstorm Options And Ideas

When it comes to career changes, the key is to brainstorm options and ideas. Considering all potential career paths can be overwhelming if you don't have a plan of action. It is imperative to take the necessary time for evaluating all potential choices that take your teaching experience into account before settling on any conclusions.

The first step in this process is to identify your transferable skills. Uncovering capabilities that you've attained through prior employment or life experiences which can be applicable in different occupations or sectors is the initial step. Think about what makes you unique and what sets you apart from other job seekers - these are likely your strongest transferable skills. For example, if you have experience managing teams, then chances are those leadership qualities could be useful in many different types of positions.

Next, list out your priorities for a new career path. What do you want out of this change? Identifying values and objectives that need to be fulfilled can help determine the most suitable career path for a successful transition. Having an idea of what kind of environment would make for a successful transition will help narrow down potential paths and focus on areas with more potential growth opportunities.

Once these two steps are completed, it’s time for some creative thinking. Generate multiple possibilities and don't be too quick to dismiss any idea; you may find something unexpected. Try looking into related fields within the same industry or even branching out into completely new ones; think outside the box. If possible, talk with people who already work in similar roles so they can provide insights on their own experiences which may prove helpful during this exploration phase.

Once these two steps are accomplished, it's time to challenge your intellectual faculties. Brainstorming is a great way to come up with new ideas and look at things from a different angle - try generating as many possibilities as you can without dismissing them too quickly (you never know what could be lurking around the corner.). 

Consider related fields within the same industry or even exploring completely novel ones; think outside of the box. If possible, converse with people who already work in similar roles so they can impart their knowledge on their own experiences which may prove beneficial during this exploration phase. 

Finally, research potential career paths thoroughly by perusing articles online and conversing with professionals already working in those fields - pose questions such as “What does success look like here?” and “What challenges should I expect?” Knowing precisely what goes into each role will help ensure an informed decision-making process when it comes time to decide which option best suits your needs.

Taking action now is key - once all necessary information has been gathered regarding potential careers paths it's important not to waste any more time deliberating but rather jump right in and get started. Start applying for jobs related to those interests or reach out directly via networking channels like LinkedIn; whatever route chosen just remember taking action early leads towards success later on down the line.

Devoting energy to brainstorming potential career alternatives is a key element in shifting from teaching to something else effectively. It allows you to explore your interests, talents, and passions before taking any action towards changing careers. Now is the moment to delve into potential job paths and investigate them further.

Key Takeaway: It's important to identify your transferable skills, list out priorities for a new career path, and then brainstorm creative ideas. Research potential paths thoroughly and don't hesitate in taking action; seize the moment or you might miss it.

Research Potential Career Paths

It is essential to invest the necessary effort into examining prospective career paths prior to committing. To avoid any regretful missteps, it's wise to thoroughly explore career options before committing. To ensure an informed decision, take the time to explore various career options thoroughly.

It's easy to get stuck in "analysis paralysis" while trying to make decisions, but remember - knowledge isn't power until applied. Taking small action steps towards achieving our goals helps us build momentum over time, so start now by reaching out to people who are currently working in the field(s) that interest you - whether it be informational interviews or simply connecting via social media platforms. These conversations often lead us closer towards our desired destination than expected.

Researching potential career paths is essential for those considering a change in their professional life. Taking action now to begin the process of exploring these new opportunities will be critical to successfully making this transition.

Key Takeaway: Once you have identified potential paths, use online sources such as Glassdoor for further investigation into each field. Finally, don't get stuck in analysis paralysis - start small by reaching out to people currently working in that area; these conversations can often be a game-changer.

Take Action Now

It's now the moment to commence your professional trajectory. You've identified your best transferable skills, listed your priorities, brainstormed options and ideas, and researched potential career paths. Now, the time has come to pursue your career plan and take concrete steps towards achieving it by submitting applications for positions that align with your qualifications.

When you commence your job search, ensure that all relevant documents are prepared and accessible - from CVs to cover letters, references and portfolios. Ensure that the documents you submit to potential employers are personalised for each job, allowing them to gain an accurate impression of your professional persona. Investigate what other people in the same field have put together for their applications to get a sense of what employers anticipate from potential employees like you.

Once everything is prepared, start searching through job boards or reach out directly to hiring managers at companies where you'd like to work. Make sure each application highlights how your experience meets the qualifications outlined in the job description - don't forget those transferable skills. When crafting emails or messages on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, be sure they're concise yet personable; let them know why YOU are perfect for this role above anyone else. Finally, follow up with recruiters if needed – persistence pays off.

Don't be afraid of rejection either; every 'no' brings us one step closer towards finding our dream job. Keep networking with industry professionals and stay positive throughout this process - eventually someone will recognise just how amazing you are and offer you the opportunity of a lifetime.

Key Takeaway: It's time to put your career into high gear and get those applications out the door. Put in the effort to personalise your applications for each job, emphasising how your background fits with what employers are seeking. Don't be discouraged if things don't work out right away - perseverance pays off in the end, so keep networking and stay positive until that dream job comes knocking on your door.


What career can I transition into from teaching?

Changing careers from teaching can be daunting, yet with the proper support and planning it is possible. No matter your qualifications or what you are passionate about, a range of paths await. For example, if you have experience in educational administration or curriculum development then roles such as instructional designer or training manager may be suitable for you. If technology interests you, consider becoming a software developer or web designer. 

With strong communication skills honed through teaching, roles in customer service management could also be ideal for transitioning into. Additionally, if leadership is something that appeals to you then look at positions such as project manager or operations director which require both technical and interpersonal skillsets. Ultimately by assessing your existing skill set and aligning them with current industry trends will help guide your decision making when considering potential new careers paths after leaving teaching behind.

How do I transition out of teaching?

Making a successful transition out of teaching requires careful planning and preparation. Investigate prospective vocations that align with your aptitudes, inclinations, and background. Consider taking online courses or pursuing additional certifications to gain the necessary qualifications for new roles. Network with professionals in other industries to learn more about opportunities available and make connections that can help you find job openings. 

Update your resume and portfolio to reflect any new credentials or experiences related to your desired field. Finally, be proactive when applying for jobs—reach out directly to hiring managers rather than relying solely on online applications. With dedication and effort, you can transform your career into a stimulating new journey.

Why teachers are changing careers?

Teachers are changing careers for a variety of reasons. Many educators are looking to switch paths for diverse motives, from achieving a higher salary or better job contentment to having completed their teaching tenure and seeking fresh prospects. Some teachers may feel unfulfilled in their current role and desire something different that aligns better with their interests and skillset. 

Additionally, many educators are looking for an opportunity to move into leadership roles where they can make a larger impact on students’ lives. Whatever the reason, it is clear that teachers today are increasingly choosing to pursue other paths outside of traditional education settings as they seek out fulfilling career changes.

What can teachers do instead of teaching?

Teachers can pursue a variety of different career paths if they decide to leave teaching. They may choose to become business consultants, use their knowledge and skills in human resources or corporate training, develop educational materials for businesses or organizations, work as an instructional designer or curriculum developer, enter the field of data analysis and analytics, transition into marketing or public relations roles, explore opportunities in non-profit management and development, take on leadership positions within education policymaking bodies such as school boards or state legislatures; even consider becoming authors by writing books about their subject matter expertise. With so many options available teachers are sure to find something that fits their unique talents.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW


Changing career from teaching can be a daunting task, but with the right research and preparation it doesn't have to be. By taking the time to identify your best transferable skills, list your priorities, brainstorm options and ideas, research potential career paths, and take action now you will put yourself in an excellent position for success when making this change. 

With dedication and focus on what is important to you as well as understanding how different careers may fit into that vision of yours - changing career from teaching can become an exciting new adventure.

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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