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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 7 2023

First Steps For Successfully Navigating Your Career Shift

Navigating a career shift can be overwhelming and intimidating. But it doesn't have to be. With the right information, you can make informed decisions about your future that will help you reach success. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to assess your current situation, research new opportunities and create an actionable plan for making a successful career shift. We understand that there are many questions when considering such a big change in life - so let's dive into the details of navigating this important decision together.

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Assessing Your Current Situation

It's important to take the time to assess your current situation and identify what you want to change in your career. Before making any decisions, it’s essential that you have a clear understanding of where you are now and what is motivating you to make a change.

Think about job satisfaction, salary, work-life balance, or any other areas that may be important for you when considering a career shift. Are there aspects of your current role that leave something to be desired? Do you feel like your skills aren't being utilised enough? Are there opportunities for growth within the company? Answering these questions can help give clarity on why it might be time for a new direction.

Another key factor is financial stability. If money is tight right now due to the pandemic or other circumstances, then consider how much risk taking on a new job could involve at this point in time. It's also worth looking into potential options such as part-time roles or freelance gigs if they fit with your goals and lifestyle needs.

Finally, think about how much of an adjustment would need to be made if switching careers completely - from industry knowledge and qualifications required through to networking contacts who could help open doors into different sectors. This can all seem overwhelming but breaking down each step into manageable chunks will make the process easier and more achievable over time.

Take the time to assess your current situation and understand where you are in your career. This will help you determine how big a shift you want to make when considering a career change.

Ready to make a career shift? Take the time to assess your current situation and identify what you want. Consider job satisfaction, salary, work-life balance & financial stability before making any decisions. #careerchange #jobsearch Click to Tweet

How Big A Shift Do You Want?

When it comes to making a career change, the size of the shift you want to make is an important factor. Depending on your current situation and goals, you may be looking for a minor tweak or something more drastic. Before diving into researching new opportunities, take some time to consider how big of a shift you’re ready for.

Once you have evaluated your current situation, consider the amount of change that is right for you at this point. If starting from scratch feels daunting or if finances are tight, then look into roles within the same industry but with different responsibilities than those currently assigned in your position. 

Alternatively, if money isn't a concern and/or there are no opportunities available in similar fields, explore switching industries - just ensure that whatever path chosen aligns with both short-term and long-term goals set out earlier when assessing one's current situation.

Staying In The Same Field/Industry

If you decide that staying in the same field is best for your situation, there are still ways to make changes. You could look into different job titles within your current company or research similar positions at other companies. It might also be beneficial to take on additional responsibilities outside of your normal duties. This can help broaden your skill set and give you experience in related areas that may open up new opportunities down the road.

Making A Bigger Shift

Making a bigger shift means exploring options outside of what you already know and taking risks that may not always pay off right away. Before making such a large leap, consider all of the pros and cons associated with each potential option as well as any resources available for support during this transition period. Also remember that it’s okay if things don’t work out exactly as planned; sometimes taking risks leads us down paths we never expected.

Finding Balance

It is important to find balance between staying safe by sticking with what we know and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone by trying something completely new. Consider both short-term goals (what will get me through today) and long-term goals (where do I see myself five years from now). Think about where these two paths intersect; this could be where true success lies.

Making a big career shift can be daunting, but by understanding your priorities and what you want to achieve, it can become more manageable. Let's explore how you can prioritise your goals in order to make the right move for your future.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career change, assess your current situation, consider how big of a shift you want to make and prioritise what matters most to you. Make sure the path chosen aligns with both short-term and long-term goals.

What Are Your Priorities?

When making a career change, it is important to assess your priorities. What are the most important things you want out of your new job? Are you looking for more money, better benefits, or a chance to use your skills in a different way? Maybe you’re looking for an opportunity to learn something new and gain experience in another field. Or perhaps you just want more flexibility and control over your work life.

Take some time to think about what matters most to you when it comes to finding a job that will make you happy. Do research on potential jobs and companies so that you can determine which ones offer the best fit for your goals and values.

Once you have identified what is most important to you, create a list of criteria that must be met before considering any job offers. This could include salary range, location, hours per week, type of work environment (e.g., corporate vs start-up), company culture (e.g., team-oriented vs individualistic), advancement opportunities within the organisation, etc.

When considering a potential job, it is important to not only take into account the short-term aspects but also its long-term prospects. If there isn't room for growth or development at one place, then it may not be worth taking on such an opportunity even if it meets all other criteria initially set forth by yourself or others around them who know their needs best. 

To gain further insight into how much satisfaction someone might get from a particular role and any challenges they could face day-to-day while doing so, talking with people already working in similar positions can be helpful. This information can help inform decisions regarding whether certain roles would be right fits based off personal preferences too.

Finally, don't forget about non-negotiable factors like commute times or family obligations; these should always take precedence over other considerations when making decisions about where one wants to spend their time professionally going forward.

Prioritising your goals and objectives is key to making a successful career shift. Now, it's time to start researching new opportunities that align with those priorities.

Key Takeaway: When making a career change, assess your priorities and create criteria that must be met before considering any job offers. Research potential jobs and companies to determine the best fit for you, taking into account long-term prospects as well as non-negotiable factors like commute times or family obligations.

Researching New Opportunities

Researching new opportunities is a crucial step in the career change process. It's important to take the time to explore different options and determine which ones are best suited for you. Start by assessing your current skillset and interests, then use that information to identify potential industries or roles that could be a good fit.

Look into job postings in those areas and research what qualifications employers are looking for. Consider any additional training or certifications you may need for certain roles, such as coding languages or project management software. You can also look into industry trends and emerging technologies that could help make you more competitive in the job market.

Take advantage of online resources like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, Monster, etc., to search for jobs related to your desired field or role. Network with professionals who work in these industries so you can learn more about their day-to-day responsibilities and gain insight on how they got started in their careers. Ask them questions about their experience working at various companies within the industry as well as any advice they have when it comes to finding success during a career transition period.

Finally, consider creating an online portfolio showcasing your work history and accomplishments so employers can easily find out what makes you stand out from other candidates applying for similar positions. This will give them a better understanding of the value you bring to the table and how your skillset could be beneficial to their organisation. Additionally, it's important to keep this portfolio up-to-date with any new projects or experiences that demonstrate your growth as a professional.

Researching new opportunities can help you identify the best fit for your career goals, so take the time to explore what's out there and develop a plan to make your career shift successful. Next, let's look at how to create an actionable plan for making your career change.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career shift, it's important to assess your skillset and interests, research industry trends, take advantage of online resources, network with professionals in the field, and create an online portfolio.

Making A Career Plan

Making a career plan is essential for anyone looking to make a successful transition into a new job or industry. It’s important to take the time to think through your goals and objectives, as well as how you will achieve them. 

The first step in making a career plan is setting realistic goals that align with your interests and values. Consider what kind of work you want to do, where you would like to be in five years, and any other factors that may influence your decision-making process. Writing down these goals can help keep you motivated throughout the process.

Finally, once all research has been done and plans put together - it is time to take action. Start applying for positions relevant to your skillset/interest area while monitoring progress along each stage (e.g., application received > interview scheduled > offer accepted). This way, if there are any issues encountered at any point, corrective measures can be taken quickly before moving onto the next steps accordingly.

Making a career plan is an important step in any job search or career change. It helps you to identify the skills and experience you need to reach your goals, as well as what steps are necessary to get there. Here are some tips for creating a successful career plan:

Key Takeaway: Creating a career plan is essential for successful transition into a new job or industry. It involves setting goals, researching options, developing relationships and taking action. A timeline should be created to keep track of progress and provide structure during the transition period.


What is the meaning of career shift?

A career shift is a change in one's professional path, often involving switching to a different job or industry. It can involve changing roles within the same company, moving to another organisation, or even completely changing careers. Career shifts are often motivated by personal goals and interests as well as external factors such as economic conditions or changes in the job market. 

Making a successful career shift requires careful planning and research into potential opportunities that match an individual’s skillset and experience. With proper guidance from professionals such as career coaches, individuals can make informed decisions about their future that will lead them towards success.

How much is career shift?

The cost of a career shift depends on the individual and their specific needs. Generally, it can range from free resources such as online articles or webinars to more comprehensive services like one-on-one coaching sessions with an experienced professional. Depending on the level of support needed, costs may vary significantly. It is important to consider all available options before making a decision that best fits your budget and goals.


Making a career shift can be daunting, but with the right research and planning it can also be incredibly rewarding. With careful consideration of your current situation, priorities and goals you can make an informed decision about what kind of career shift is best for you. 

Take the time to assess your options, create a plan and set yourself up for success in this new chapter of your life. A successful career shift requires dedication and hard work, but if done correctly it can open up many exciting opportunities that will help you reach both personal and professional fulfilment.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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